Keep Those Deer off Your Lovely Plants and Veggies!
You worked hard all along to rear those plants. You watered them, fenced them, fertilized them and what not? So how does it feel when you see those little deer feasting on the plants and fruits you have worked so hard to grow? Miserable! At least that’s the word most garden owners will spell out. Fortunately, you can use Deer Stopper products to stop those deer from feasting on your plants and fruits.
Take the instance of the quart concentrate, as it has all the goodies you want in a Deer Stopper. For instance, it’ll by smell as well as by taste. And it won’t wash off even following a really heavy rain! The impact of Deer Stopper is advertised to lasts for nearly 30 days. This product is a killer solution for repelling axis, moose, mule, whitetail or other types of deer damages. Did you know that all the versions of Deer Stopper have the endorsement from the NHGC (National Home Gardening Club)?
If you use this product, you can simply sit and relax, since it’s good for preventing all sorts of deer and lets your shrubs, flowers and edible crops to grow at large! And you don’t have to guard your fruit trees, either. It’ll work by both smell and also by taste. Like said before, you need to worry about its getting washed off following a really heavy rain. It’ll dry clear and absolutely odor-free and won’t burn the natural plant materials. The manufacturer declares that it’s safe if want to spray Deer Stopper onto fruits or vegetables. It’s one of the approved and recommended products for those who’re enthused about organic growing. You can make use of this product in virtually all sorts of climatic or temperature conditions, providing the product’s spray head or the liquid inside the bottle is not frozen. It’s really amazing how 1 gal of quart concentrate can treat an area as vast as 4,000 square feet!
Similarly, you can get to enjoy lots of benefits with the Deer Stopper 32 oz. Trigger version. As Deer Stopper is one of the most prominent brands from the house of Messina Wildlife, you can harmlessly keep the deer off your green property. Enjoy the benefits of 100-feet ribbon which is pre-treated with special deer repellent. The whole thing is meant to produce a physical and sensory barrier. Overall, the product is excellent for trees, plant/flower gardens, shrubs and other kinds of vulnerable areas. This product shows its effectiveness by smell and won’t wash off under heavy rain. And you could call the one-month protection a decent one!
As for another instance, you can also get the Gal Rtu version. This one as well, like any other deer stopper products, can show its stuff by smell as well as taste. They won’t wash away all of a sudden. After you apply it, it’ll just dry clear, 100% odor-free and won’t burn any of the plant materials. No need to worry even if you apply them onto fruits or vegetables. Since it’s approved for all the organic growers out there, it’s a great solution if you’re picky about health foods and organic gardening.
There are different types of products, though. You can get a quart concentrate that’ll cost you no more than $35. Buying online can sometimes help you qualify for free ultra-super saver shipping. You can get a pump bottle if you buy your Deer Stopper as a repellent. A quart size Ready-to-Spray Pump Bottle shouldn’t cost you more than $25.
Do you care to get a barrier ribbon? It should be available under $20 ceiling. Their Gal Rtu counterparts are being sold for $28 in many cases. But dedicated farmers simply love the Gallon Version since it’s economical despite the $140 price ceiling. But considering all odds, it should pay off if you just go for the ready-to-spray quart if you’re too busy and love things done short-cut! You can easily apply Deer stopper in all sorts of climatic conditions and weathering circumstances – no matter what the temperature is! As long as the temperature is suitable enough to spray the chemical, you can always get the benefits of it. Just like said earlier… a gal of Deer Stopper can treat an area as large as 4,000 square feet!!
Similar products: Deer Off and Deer Out.