Some Solid Tips for Preparing Effective Deer Bait
Make a Mud Hole
Take the trouble of digging up a mid-sizes hole and fill it up with salt. Try and add ample of water into it, so it becomes an artificial salt lake for a deer. This could be an ideal trick in the spring since deer literally rummage around for calcium sources at this point.
Before you even set out to bait
Don’t forget to check the local hunting laws. Thus you’ll know whether baiting is at all legal in the area. Then also check the targeted hunting area to see if there are natural sources of food. If there really is any natural source of food (e.g. apples, acorns), baiting might not be any option at all! The same thing applies for areas where there are lots of agricultural resources that the deer can feed on.
What to bait with?
Check the location to observe what’s around. The typical deer bait is corn. But carrots, beets or apples are also effective deer bait. Other choices include pears, molasses and marshmallows. But among all the deer bait out there, peanut butter usually is a really solid one!
How much deer bait to use?
At a time, you can use 1 to 2 gallons. Anything more can turn out to be a waste. You’re planning to attract the deer, right? Then just make them come in just when you want. A typical doe with fawns might eat the bait before anything worthwhile comes to your bait spot. Some people have found tremendous success by using doe and fawns as deer bait. They’ll let you to know if there’s anything coming. Usually the deer get into a pattern. They tend to come in at a rather regular interval to see whether something is there.
Locate the Deer
Usually, you’ll find the deer near or under nut-bearing trees. Occasionally, a sudden change in the water and food conditions could get the deer to their course. So consider that too!
NO Body Scents!
Wash yourself off with some peanut butter rather than using soap. This is one of the most important deer bait tips. This can help eliminate virtually all sorts of floral or abnormal body scents. Rubbing mud on your face and whole body can work if you want to get rid of any kind of unwanted scent.
Clothing to Wear
Most keen deer-baiting experts prefer using camouflage clothing, as this lets them to bait deer with ease and without getting detected by the deer. There’re lots of clothing varieties that you can choose from these days. Actually, the right choice depends on what your purpose is.
Mounting Tree Stands
You can make use of a stand fixed to a particular spot. Or else, consider using one that calls for climbing. But no matter what your choose is, just ensure the stand is mounted properly onto the tree. You can also consider mounting several tree stands for avoiding concentration of human body scent in one spot.
Use Motion Detector
Motion detectors could turn out to be highly useful, especially when you’re deer baiting during the night. If you’re in the habit of falling asleep involuntarily, motion detectors could alert you when the deer approaches. Consider using a standard trail-monitoring system, as it’ll send a vocal message to you as soon as thee deer approaches.
Doe Scent
Most deer are vulnerable to doe scent. So, sprinkle a little bit of doe scent about the tree stand. An option is to hang this scent from a tree with a film canister, dripper, or dispenser. If you are using dispensers, put them into an arched pattern. Putting them in a lined order also helps. But in make sure they’re between 20 and 30 yards apart as a minimum so they swell the smell around.
Use Grunts
A typical grunt tube might prove handy, especially when you deer bait in rutting seasons. Actually, if used right, a grunt might attract virtually any kind of buck in all seasons. A lot of baiters were stunned to find that even the bucks running away stop when they hear a grunt. This allows you to get a nice and clear shot.
Feeding a Deer
Consider using a timer here. Set it for midnight so it can signal the feeding time for deer. As the deer are nocturnal kind of animals, they won’t take long to identify this feeding call. Fairly soon, they’ll become habituated.