Understanding Deer Problem and the Viable Solutions
Deer and Your Flower Gardens
Of all sorts of deer protection jobs, this one happens to be the easiest. Most flower gardens won’t occupy too much of space. That’s why, you almost certainly are not directing those deer off a large area, and there would still be bounty of summer browse for them all around. Actually, you might succeed if you just apply a smart deer repellant (there are many in the market). Would you believe that some of them are formulated with pig blood or coyote urine?
While some repellants make your plants taste ugly for the deer, other versatile products will also make them smell horrible to deer. But no matter which product you choose, you should reapply on a regular basis in the growth season, since the deer can rapidly learn that the new and untreated shoots won’t taste bad, and these plants grow fast! The bottom line is that, repellants are good way to solve deer problem. And if the deer seem too desperate for the repellant, consider using motion activated water sprayer. You can use an ultrasonic repellent as well. Some people just install a net.
Deer and Your Vegetable Gardens
Now, here’s a harder job. Unfortunately, your vegetables are the prime and tastiest food source for deer. You don’t want to imagine how desperate the deer get when they explore the succulent veggies you’ve worked so hard to grow. Actually, once they come know the nature of the garden, the sole answer probably is a fence barrier. If you don’t want to go through a nightmare, start early on and apply defensive measures early on in the spring before the plants are really growing up, since the deer still don’t know about the contents of your garden. If you’ve started out really late, aren’t an expert deer hunter, and simply want to give it the easiest and best shot you got, then may be it’s a motion activated water sprayer that you want. This one can provide your garden with a short-term relief from the deer invasion. Similarly, the electronic as well as ultrasonic repellents could easily prove extremely effective for keeping those deer effectively in check. That’s how you deal with such deer problem.
Deer and Your Fruit Trees
Certain repellents can turn out to be really handy here. But you can also consider using netting, which could perhaps be well supplemented by repellents or similar types of measures. These are well-suited if you want to protect fruit trees. Just apply a good quality and economical net to protect all the vegetated areas. This fencing should start right from the earth level to high above. To solve the deer problem, just make sure that the height is high enough to keep those deer off.
Deer and Your Evergreens
Evergreens are even harder to protect since they have to be protected all year-round. They need to be protected especially in the winter as the deer and like other animals have fewer food sources and might actually be starving. You can apply nets, watersprayers or ultrasonic devices. Applying a combination of all these can turn out to be a killer cocktail solution. Not to mention the magical support by the horrible tasting or smelling repellents. It might also make good sense if you apply a repellant with miserable predator scent.
If you’re willing to protect small evergreen clusters, a highly economical and efficient way would be to encircle them with nets. But to solve such deer problem yet another option for summertime protection for these spot plantings is a motion-detecting water sprayer, which works both in the nighttime and daytime. For summer as well as winter protection, you can consider using the ultrasonic repellents, since they’re extremely helpful when it comes to protecting some small or midsize areas.
Winter Protection for Larger Areas
Even if you keep hunting the deer, they’re unbelievable hard to manage during the winter season, as the food sources they feed on become limited and all the deer almost go starving. And making things worse, excluding the deer from larger territory is even harder compared to the task of keeping them off smaller areas. That’s because it sometimes results into interdiction of conventional deer paths. In other words, this makes their common feeding areas beyond limits. For such reasons, it’s tremendously hard to keep the deer out (usually the white tailed ones, but the red ones, black tail ones are also big pains) from larger area all year-round without any strong deer fence. That’s why you sometimes need to ask for experts’ help and advice to solve a complex deer problem.