Your Flank Defenses against Deer Invasion
Poly Fencing
Some experts suggest the best way to deter the deer your property or garden is to encircle it with eight-foot high black plastic fencing. To many people, the sturdy deer fencing, with unobtrusive black poly-netting can do wonders to help protect the whole property. Poly fencing may be fastened to the existing trees about the yard’s perimeter. But you can attach to poles also. Like just said, such plastic made deer netting is coated black purposefully and thus is nearly invisible it you look at it from a distance. This one is a solid performer among the modern day deer barriers.
However, with quality fencing the 3 feet at the bottom won’t be plastic. Rather, it’s supposed to be made of chicken wire, which is especially black coated. Thus rabbits and groundhogs cannot chew it. If professionally installed, such fencing is fairly expensive, costing you around $12 per linear foot (things also depend on the number of gates you’ll need, though). Once installed, your poly deer fencing can last for even decades.
Electric Fencing
Consider this one if you are looking for electric deer barriers. Electric fences happen to be extremely effective when it comes to repelling deer. Still, they aren’t too practical if you want to keep deer off your entire yard. Conversely, they’re terrific if you want to protect a vegetable garden, green plants or your flower garden. The finest electric fence makes use of either batteries and/or solar power. These are relatively cheaper systems and are simple to fit or maintain. It’s hard to get your electric fencing look pretty, though.
These fences repel deer but are safe for birds and children. If a pet puts its nose on the fence it will get the same shock experienced by the deer only it will not hurt them. They are likely not to try it again though.
How to Bait An Electric Fence?
The deer may simply jump over your electric fence. That’s why you have to train them so they do not leap over the fencing. Once the fence is right in place, the best trick would be to setting up a planned training process to discourage the deer. You have to bait the fence using peanut butter. And you will want to get the neighborhood deer to voluntarily come up and place their nose on your fence. If the electric shock is right, they’re immediately discouraged and trained to keep away from that area.
Mount 1-foot aluminum foil strips along the fencing and do this at 18-inch intervals. Then get a spoon of fresh aromatic peanut butter at the ending of every strip. In a matter of 2 weeks, all those deer in the neighborhood will be shaken and they’ll avoid your yard or garden for months.
Other Popular Deer Barriers
Adapting Your Existing Fence - Deer do jump high and can jump really wide. Fortunately, they can’t do both at the same time. So, your current chicken wire fencing surrounding your flower garden, tender plants or vegetable garden could be made much more efficient if you add single-strand electric fencing in front. Chicken wire fencing has to be 4-feet tall at least. Place 3-feet high single strand wire at the front of your chicken wire and it should be around 2.5-feet over the ground.
Sometimes you get better results if you put some brain behind your deer barriers. This idea behind the design is that from their standing position, the deer will find troubles jumping high enough to clear your chicken wire fencing if this electrified single strand wiring gets in their way. Then again, if the deer touches that single wire in one attempt, that’s good also. An electric jolt would influence it to go elsewhere. The design is good for stone walls and wooden fences too.
Monster Fences - You could find online numerous designs if you’re looking for very detailed and costly 8-foot tall wire fencing fitted at a very special angle. They can give you guaranteed performance to keep the deer out. Such fences are great within the country especially for commercial purposes.
Fishing line fencing - Some people successfully kept deer out off vulnerable areas by fitting 30 lbs of test monofilament fishing line on stakes which are two feet over the ground level. Actually exceptional deer barriers like this can really work sometimes! Most deer generally move around during the nighttime, when it’s all dark. Since they can not view the fishing line, bumping up with the fishing line every so often can scare them off. For best results, you need to string the fishing line rather tightly. so it does not give too much when touched by the deer.