How to Prepare and Apply It?
Increased residential as well as commercial development in the rural and uptown areas has caused lots of disturbance to the deer habitats. This, in other words, has lead to the deer breaking in human neighborhoods and properties. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to hunt deer near housing or shopping developments. This has turned most of those housing subdivisions to wildlife sanctuary for deer, rabbits or squirrels.
An average deer usually eats 7 lbs of vegetation every day. They prefer tender, juvenile food crops. Did you know that male deer can also harm trees by rubbing antlers for at least three months to mark the territory they’ll ‘rule’? The damage done due such “buck rub” remains even on the mature trees and this might allow pests and diseases grow and kill your saplings or young trees.
Fortunately, deer spray can help deter those animals. They are effective since deer makes use of their strong smelling sense to find food. Though they try to eat your vegetation which has been sprayed already, the taste will feel ugly to the deer. Actually, deer spray contains special ingredients to confuse and dissatisfy the deer. Likewise, they might not ever come back. A good deer spray makes use of special substances which aren’t toxic or damaging to your garden.
The most common ingredients are eggs, hot chilly powders and garlic. Such deer spray takes advantages of the highly powerful sense of taste and smell. In other words, by using their high sensory powers against them, the spray will make them hate feasting on your plants. If used properly, the deer spray can provide an impressively high protection for a month at least. The application of these sprays is pretty economical, since it just calls for minimal application for protecting plants, fruits and vegetables on a expanded area.
And the application is thus simple. No special tools and requires no special tools and equipments are needed. Just use a regular sprayer. These sprays are sold in concentrated for and are supposed to be diluted with plain water before you use them. There are ready to spray solutions as well. But they’re considered less economic and cost more usually. Pick a sunny day for applying the deer spray. Fortunately, it’s resistant to rainfall, provided that you’ll allow it to dry. Most sprays are harmless on vegetables, fruits and food crops. They are specially formulated to ensure that they do not cause any harm to pets or kids. You can also spray them on agricultural and horticultural crops.
The application of these sprays is good if you want to keep away rabbits, squirrels or similar kinds of rodents, which can simply chew through the typical plastic netting and other similar kind of physical barriers. They are used to repel the deer nevertheless, since they live with human beings side by side. A good deer spray won’t ruin the normal looks of leaves, fruits, flowers, crops and produce. That’s why you need to buy only high quality deer spray. The bottom line is that, if you get the right deer spray, it’ll help you to co-exist with those agile 4-legged neighbors, as it’s simple, safe as well as cheap.
Some people find it convenient to prepare deer spray at their homes. For instance, you can beat two eggs and mix it with one two cups of cold water. Use a blender if you have to. Add that mixture into another gallon of normal water. Let it stay like that for a day or so. When 24 hours have passed, just spray on the foliage. Usually, egg mixture won’t wash off so easily, but you do need to re-apply 2 or 3 times every season. If you want a larger solution, blend 12 eggs in five gallons of plain water.
If you want a killer (not literally… lol) deer repellent formula, beat 6 eggs with at least 6 hot peppers. Mix up 12 garlic cloves. This’ll make the formula stinky and hot enough. Add 6 cups of mild warm water. Put all of them into a blender so the solution gets fully liquid. Put it into you’re a milk jug. Leave it out for 3 or 4 under the sun. This-sun cooking will make the solution horribly stinky and hot for the deer. Use a sprayer to spray it on your beloved plants. Some people find good results by directly pouring into or around these plants straight out of the jug.