Keeping the Deer off and away - What’s Best Deer Deterrent?
There are different types of deer deterrent solutions out there. For controlling deer damage, the most common ones are fencing, scare devices, natural repellants and chemical repellents. And you got to make wise decisions while choosing a deer deterrent as deer are smart and highly adaptable to decide what won’t harm them. In areas where there’s high degree of deer density, you can use repellents to overcome the feeding pressure.
Scare devices like flashing lights or noisemakers, are generally used for chasing the deer away off your yard or identified areas. But you need to face the fact that, most deer deterrent scare devices work temporarily and over time, the smart deer may understand that there isn’t any reason to fret.
Visual Deterrents: Consider using strobe lights, which flash or revolve. Such lighting systems usually are activated with timers and/or motion detectors. Take the Mylar tape, as it’s shiny and pretty reflective. They can easily be strung in between trees. You can also set them as streamers onto poles. On the other hand, mainly when they’re made of moving parts, can scare the deer off. On the other hand, “Scare-eye” balloons which are filled with light gases like helium can scare the deer off, if tethered over the ground by monofilament line.
Noise Deterrents: You can use a radio and/or other animals’ recorded distress calls. They should be played constantly and might frighten the deer away. On the other hand, commercially sold deer deterrent ultrasonic devices can also emit extremely augmented sound waves which are beyond the inaudible level of humans but literally intolerable to the deer. Also consider using aluminum pie/tin cans which rattle occasionally in the wind. If you like high tech things, consider using Motion Activated Ultrasonic Deer or Animal Repellents. These are especially designed to frighten the deer off while hindering their entry into your yard. The exceptional thing about these devices is that, they don’t let the clever deer get used to these sounds. Rather, they emit a really high pitch of ultrasonic blast, which is shot beyond the audible frequency of normal human hearing, but effective for disturbing deer.
Water Sprayers: There are smart motion-activated sprinklers that work great as water sprinklers. They can be programmed to go off if trigged by highly powerful deer deterrent motion detectors. Usually you can program them by timers too. They work well when you alter the schedule changed much so often, since they can’t adapt to it. But, since they need a high-pressured water supply, they’re not at al useful when the temperatures are sub-freezing.
Some motion activated water repellents can literally chase the deer off your landscape or gardens. Putting it straight and simple, they are able to sense these animals with heat and movements. Many of them are programmed to stay pauses for 8 to 10 seconds once fired. This creates randomness and the deer can’t get used to the water repellent.
Today, there is a wide selection of commercial as well as homemade deer deterrent products. Repellents can work by making your plants unpalatable. They can also work by emitting an odor that is highly offensive to the deer. Actually the best repellants can do both. With an awful taste, those deer would need to chew your plants first to realize that it tastes ugly. But when a deer deterrent product merely has repelling smell element, the deer might feed anyway especially when they’re hungry enough. There are some national brands sold in nurseries or hardware stores and also by catalog or through online outlets. The commercial grade repellents usually work for some time before those smart deer get used to them.
So the most feasible way to keep that from happening will be to repeatedly rotate your mode and strategy of defense. But you got to understand the fact that repellents are in no way applicable on food crops! Odor repellents are made from ugly tasting ammonium soaps, fatty acids, refined proteins, fibers (extracted from processed food), citrus scents, bone tar oil, treated sewage or indigestible egg solids. You can also consider using "natural" home-made repellents and there are different types of formula. An ingenious one is, for instance, you can use small fine-mesh human hair (should be around 2 handfuls) along with bar soap. Just hang them from tree branches and replace them every month. You could find many of such smart deer deterrent ingredients.