Different Types of Deer Fence and How they Can Help Protect Your Property and Greenery
For a lot of people in the US, the name of the BIG problem is - deer. But there are different types of deer fences to help protect your personal property or greenery. Did you know the major categories of deer fencing? Read on to explore!
Deer fencing can vary in terms of price, "invisibility," efficiency and durability. Traditional deer fencing were made out of heavy metal. They’re effective and very durable. Still, they’re the relatively expensive ones. Another problem is that, those high barriers did not blend easily in the landscape. So we’ll in brief touch some pros and cons of different kinds of deer fences.
Electric deer fences are among the cheapest kind of deer fences. Usually, they consist of a wire or several wires strung rather low to the length of the preferred border. The good side of an electric deer fence is that it’s good in instances when the traditional deer fencing height might seem like an eyesore. On the other hand, an electric deer fence might be a poor option where kids or pets are present. Bear in mind that the electric deer fences are can be baited. And here the intent is to get the deer to a mild shock, which dispirits it from intruding your garden area in future.
Then again, a special variety of this kind of deer fences is the product widely known as ‘wireless deer fence’. Here, the baited posts (there’s not any deer fencing, as such) are set on the deer’s paths and they are lead to your property (usually to any special specimens) which that don’t really contain any valuable deer-resistant plants. Being lured to these baited posts, these animals get a mild electric shock. This discourages future attacks in your yard.
On the other hand, a polypropylene mesh made deer fence is pricier compared to the electric deer fencing. And it’s cheaper compared to traditional deer fencing. While mesh deer fencing happens to be nearly invisible and durable, they won’t prove as long-lasting (and as tough) as the traditional deer fences. There are different variations of mesh deer fencing. For instance, one of them is made out of metal but it comes with black polyethylene coating, to make it much less visible. And such kind of deer fences are pricier compared to mesh deer fences but fortunately, they are more durable.
Did you ever consider getting a deer fence that features fixed knotted woven wires? Such a woven wire fence protects your gardens, plants or landscape from the most desperate bucks. This kind of fence is prepared from special fixed knot heavy tensile wires. Every roll of deer fence is 330-inch long and 8-inch high. Its strength allows you to place posts at 20 feet interval, since the installation costs are low this way. On the other hand, these fixed knot fencing are made out of class-3 galvanized materials to ensure better durability. And they’re simply ideal for larger yards, lawns, garden orchard or vineyard applications. Many of these deer fence models feature twenty horizontal lines. Moreover, they’re 96-inch in height and 12-inch between the vertical stays. A standard roll shouldn’t weigh over 290 lbs.
When you shop for deer fences, you got to consider a few things, though. It is wise to buy something that has been specially developed to ensure easy installation and maintenance for many years. As opposed to substandard deer fencing, a good quality deer fence easily attaches to the existing trees. Then again, if you have an area which has no trees, buying compatible support posts always remains an option. For added protection to your property, you can use heavy duty deer fence (the conventional ones are stronger, like said before) which are 65% stronger compared typical deer fences.
In fact, there’re various kinds of deer fencing commercially sold these days. Like said earlier, you can’t always rely on the traditional perimeter fences which are made out of electric fence materials. Despite their utility and durability, they had been unappealing and hard to maintain. Fortunately, you can choose from the wide selection of modern versions of deer fence products, which are more humane and environmentally friendly. You can always choose form them in keeping with your needed durability, budget or appearance requirements.

Deer Trapping
The Effective Ways to Trap and Capture Deer
We’re about to share some deer trapping tips with you. But these tips are best applied when there’s a community work involvement. And you do need to take permission from the concerned authority – especially if you’re putting these deer trapping ideas on someone’s private property.
Establishing the Bait Sites
While selecting potential sites for deer baiting, biologists will make contact with landowners to get permission for catching or trapping deer. Doing camera surveys can also help. There are different kinds of things that you can use here. Most common ones are whole apples and apple mash. And your trap site would be then baited before trap set up. This is to ensure that, the deer become used to seeing apples at that target site. The best sites for capturing deer are the areas where there is high density of deer. And this can easily maximize the captures for each setup. In addition, areas featuring cover blocks with lots of wood can also provide the deer with the feel of security. So focus on those travel lanes most deer herds pass through.
Capturing Deer
Once you have selected the bait sites and you see the deer visiting those sites every so often, you need to set up special netted cages, which are also known as clover traps. Also consider using drop nets or rocket nets. Some people feel that it works best if dart rifles are used. However, as more and more deer come to experience the Clover traps, they will tend to get more reluctant about going into the traps. But you need to be a little bit tricky will applying deer trapping.
The drop nets and rocket nets provide a far less threatening trap set, as all of its sides remain open so that escape is easy if necessary. The best approach is to have at least 3 trap options. Actually, you are in to a better position to capture the unmarked females this way. But trapping by nature is a more lengthy process and chances are high that a lot of previously tagged or sterilized animals are using these bait piles still. And if you’re trapping deer for scientific expedition, you’re less likely to recapture any previously-tagged deer. That’s because, you usually end up losing the ear tags and the recapture might cause an extra stress on the animal.
Clover Traps
These are netted cages and can be set up without difficulty in the landowners’ backyards. These traps used to work pretty well for grabbing deer. Here’s the idea… traps are tied open in the daytime to ensure that the deer are able to enter and leave at large. In the late afternoon however, traps are set to ensure that the deer are captured in the night. Soon after first light every morning, traps are checked so that the deer captured are removed ASAP. Deer won’t be caught or handled in the daytime.
Deer actually are hardy type animals and have the capability to spend the nighttime hours outdoors inside a trap even when it snows or the temperature is very chilly. It isn’t odd for deer if they moan and fight back inside the cage when they’re captured for the first time. However, after a while, the deer generally become tranquil and will sometimes bed down inside the trap. It’s important that people as well as pets are kept away from these cages. Otherwise, there are chances that the deer would get agitated and get injured in the trap. Generally the local authorities handle the deer from around 7 am during the morning till 9 pm in the night. Deer trapping surely is a tiring job that takes hard work and patience!!
Drop Nets
They’re used differently. Rigging drop nets calls for two heavy trees which are around 50 feet away from each other. The trees should have strong limbs which are around 30 feet high above the land level. You also need a good support rope which will be stretched tightly on the limbs. Also have a pulley centered on your bait pile. Your drop net will then be suspended by another rope which will go through that pulley, in a sight hole within the blind. It’ll then be tied to a strong post or a stout tree at the back of the blind. The net’s all corners are pulled wide apart from the central point and will be secured nicely with a special release connection.
As your net is dropped on a deer, all the corners get freed. That way, the net moves with the deer by wrapping it up. Bait should be added on a daily basis to ensure that the deer are going beneath that suspended net. Drop nets are suitable for catching groups of deer. Like other techniques, this deer trapping technique as well takes hard work and patience.
We’re about to share some deer trapping tips with you. But these tips are best applied when there’s a community work involvement. And you do need to take permission from the concerned authority – especially if you’re putting these deer trapping ideas on someone’s private property.
Establishing the Bait Sites
While selecting potential sites for deer baiting, biologists will make contact with landowners to get permission for catching or trapping deer. Doing camera surveys can also help. There are different kinds of things that you can use here. Most common ones are whole apples and apple mash. And your trap site would be then baited before trap set up. This is to ensure that, the deer become used to seeing apples at that target site. The best sites for capturing deer are the areas where there is high density of deer. And this can easily maximize the captures for each setup. In addition, areas featuring cover blocks with lots of wood can also provide the deer with the feel of security. So focus on those travel lanes most deer herds pass through.
Capturing Deer
Once you have selected the bait sites and you see the deer visiting those sites every so often, you need to set up special netted cages, which are also known as clover traps. Also consider using drop nets or rocket nets. Some people feel that it works best if dart rifles are used. However, as more and more deer come to experience the Clover traps, they will tend to get more reluctant about going into the traps. But you need to be a little bit tricky will applying deer trapping.
The drop nets and rocket nets provide a far less threatening trap set, as all of its sides remain open so that escape is easy if necessary. The best approach is to have at least 3 trap options. Actually, you are in to a better position to capture the unmarked females this way. But trapping by nature is a more lengthy process and chances are high that a lot of previously tagged or sterilized animals are using these bait piles still. And if you’re trapping deer for scientific expedition, you’re less likely to recapture any previously-tagged deer. That’s because, you usually end up losing the ear tags and the recapture might cause an extra stress on the animal.
Clover Traps
These are netted cages and can be set up without difficulty in the landowners’ backyards. These traps used to work pretty well for grabbing deer. Here’s the idea… traps are tied open in the daytime to ensure that the deer are able to enter and leave at large. In the late afternoon however, traps are set to ensure that the deer are captured in the night. Soon after first light every morning, traps are checked so that the deer captured are removed ASAP. Deer won’t be caught or handled in the daytime.
Deer actually are hardy type animals and have the capability to spend the nighttime hours outdoors inside a trap even when it snows or the temperature is very chilly. It isn’t odd for deer if they moan and fight back inside the cage when they’re captured for the first time. However, after a while, the deer generally become tranquil and will sometimes bed down inside the trap. It’s important that people as well as pets are kept away from these cages. Otherwise, there are chances that the deer would get agitated and get injured in the trap. Generally the local authorities handle the deer from around 7 am during the morning till 9 pm in the night. Deer trapping surely is a tiring job that takes hard work and patience!!
Drop Nets
They’re used differently. Rigging drop nets calls for two heavy trees which are around 50 feet away from each other. The trees should have strong limbs which are around 30 feet high above the land level. You also need a good support rope which will be stretched tightly on the limbs. Also have a pulley centered on your bait pile. Your drop net will then be suspended by another rope which will go through that pulley, in a sight hole within the blind. It’ll then be tied to a strong post or a stout tree at the back of the blind. The net’s all corners are pulled wide apart from the central point and will be secured nicely with a special release connection.
As your net is dropped on a deer, all the corners get freed. That way, the net moves with the deer by wrapping it up. Bait should be added on a daily basis to ensure that the deer are going beneath that suspended net. Drop nets are suitable for catching groups of deer. Like other techniques, this deer trapping technique as well takes hard work and patience.
Ultrasonic Deer
Ultrasonic Deer Control – What to Buy and What to expect?
Is your home, garden or field continuously being invaded by deer? Deer inside gardens can destroy your prized plants, veggies, herbs, flowers, orchids, or trees. Not to mention that in some cases, deer ticks can convey Lyme disease!! Fortunately, there are humane, efficient, maintenance-free electronic deer repellent that works on ultrasonic technology. In other words, these ultrasonic sounds do keep the deer off your property and there’s no messy or pricey chemical solution for you to deal with.
These ultrasonic sounds are meant to prevent deer from causing disaster and feeding on your prized landscape. Amazingly enough, these sounds are powerful, yet silent to human ears. The use of inaudible frequencies is actually an ingenious technique to repel deer. The deer repellant is supposed to send out loud (for deer) ultrasonic waves which literally chase the deer away without any causing any permanent harm to them. With that kind of effectiveness, an ultrasonic deer repellant device is highly adorable.
If you are shopping for an ultrasonic deer, try to get one that lets you to use AC or DC power! These devices come with an integral infrared motion sensor that becomes activated when the deer approaches the range of the tool’s covered area. Some devices are efficient enough to cover an area as broad as 4,000 sq. feet! Such a product mounts easily if you put them on your building wall or wood posts. Fortunately, a standard product is absolutely safe for kids. And if you use them according to the directions provided in their manuals, they’re safe for your pets too.
An ultrasonic device is handy if you are experiencing any irritating deer control crises. Some states have strict regulations for protecting wildlife – especially deer. But we human beings need to keep those deer off our property no matter what. That’s where an ultrasonic deer repellant comes in! They let you to chuck them out without harming, injuring or killing the deer. Electronic repellent devices are just perfect as a deer control solution and things get as easy as it gets. If you choose the right product, it shouldn’t be any problem at all deterring the deer off your gardens, nurseries, fields, roads, farms or crops.
But make sure that your quiet ultrasonic deer repulse devices is environment friendly and safe for the children and especially the deer (though you hate them for the damage the do to you)! That way, we get permanent motion-sensor settings guarding your home against the deer. Ease of installation is yet another prerequisite. The product should mount virtually anywhere as some products are simply attachable with typical keyhole slots. Like said before, your prime choice should be the versatile ones that features both AC and battery power. But the replaceable "C" cell battery powered devices work well as well.
And don’t forget to check for EPA compliance. Just in case you didn’t know, the idea sound pressure is 90 dB. It should also have the capacity to withstand all sorts of weathering conditions. And you got to be smart while using these ultrasonic repellent.
Thanks to the new technologies, you don't need harmful chemicals, poisonous, traps or guns to repel deer - you can now use an inexpensive and simple to use electronic repellent! To be on the safe side, get started by surveying the deer. Also examine their entry and exit, besides their feeding habits. Thoroughly examine your property as well. Try to figure out what those deer find appealing about your garden or green area. Then check whether the same types of conditions are prevailing in your neighboring properties.
It should help you a lot if you try and maintain an altering environment. To get the most out of your ultrasonic deer repellant, relocate every so often. You can also consider repositioning your ultrasonic deer repellent unit. For some people, varying the output can also help. Or other wise keep it turned off for a short while to ensure that the deer don’t get immune to the ultrasonic sounds. Likewise, installing early can pay off. And it’s always best if you install your ultrasonic deer repellent previous to the beginning of the "deer season." Actually, it’s generally simpler to keep the deer off, compared to the hassle of routing them out when they’ve already set up a pattern.
Is your home, garden or field continuously being invaded by deer? Deer inside gardens can destroy your prized plants, veggies, herbs, flowers, orchids, or trees. Not to mention that in some cases, deer ticks can convey Lyme disease!! Fortunately, there are humane, efficient, maintenance-free electronic deer repellent that works on ultrasonic technology. In other words, these ultrasonic sounds do keep the deer off your property and there’s no messy or pricey chemical solution for you to deal with.
These ultrasonic sounds are meant to prevent deer from causing disaster and feeding on your prized landscape. Amazingly enough, these sounds are powerful, yet silent to human ears. The use of inaudible frequencies is actually an ingenious technique to repel deer. The deer repellant is supposed to send out loud (for deer) ultrasonic waves which literally chase the deer away without any causing any permanent harm to them. With that kind of effectiveness, an ultrasonic deer repellant device is highly adorable.
If you are shopping for an ultrasonic deer, try to get one that lets you to use AC or DC power! These devices come with an integral infrared motion sensor that becomes activated when the deer approaches the range of the tool’s covered area. Some devices are efficient enough to cover an area as broad as 4,000 sq. feet! Such a product mounts easily if you put them on your building wall or wood posts. Fortunately, a standard product is absolutely safe for kids. And if you use them according to the directions provided in their manuals, they’re safe for your pets too.
An ultrasonic device is handy if you are experiencing any irritating deer control crises. Some states have strict regulations for protecting wildlife – especially deer. But we human beings need to keep those deer off our property no matter what. That’s where an ultrasonic deer repellant comes in! They let you to chuck them out without harming, injuring or killing the deer. Electronic repellent devices are just perfect as a deer control solution and things get as easy as it gets. If you choose the right product, it shouldn’t be any problem at all deterring the deer off your gardens, nurseries, fields, roads, farms or crops.
But make sure that your quiet ultrasonic deer repulse devices is environment friendly and safe for the children and especially the deer (though you hate them for the damage the do to you)! That way, we get permanent motion-sensor settings guarding your home against the deer. Ease of installation is yet another prerequisite. The product should mount virtually anywhere as some products are simply attachable with typical keyhole slots. Like said before, your prime choice should be the versatile ones that features both AC and battery power. But the replaceable "C" cell battery powered devices work well as well.
And don’t forget to check for EPA compliance. Just in case you didn’t know, the idea sound pressure is 90 dB. It should also have the capacity to withstand all sorts of weathering conditions. And you got to be smart while using these ultrasonic repellent.
Thanks to the new technologies, you don't need harmful chemicals, poisonous, traps or guns to repel deer - you can now use an inexpensive and simple to use electronic repellent! To be on the safe side, get started by surveying the deer. Also examine their entry and exit, besides their feeding habits. Thoroughly examine your property as well. Try to figure out what those deer find appealing about your garden or green area. Then check whether the same types of conditions are prevailing in your neighboring properties.
It should help you a lot if you try and maintain an altering environment. To get the most out of your ultrasonic deer repellant, relocate every so often. You can also consider repositioning your ultrasonic deer repellent unit. For some people, varying the output can also help. Or other wise keep it turned off for a short while to ensure that the deer don’t get immune to the ultrasonic sounds. Likewise, installing early can pay off. And it’s always best if you install your ultrasonic deer repellent previous to the beginning of the "deer season." Actually, it’s generally simpler to keep the deer off, compared to the hassle of routing them out when they’ve already set up a pattern.
Deer Proof
Creative Ways to Deer Proof Your Backyard or Garden
Deer Proof Plants
Do these plants really exist or work? If you surf the net, you can find lots of plants that could be used for lessening the intrusion of deer in a garden or yard. Unfortunately, if hungry, the deer will eat anything. Sometimes they won’t leave out even cactus. But still, we can look at the plants that are less preferred by deer.
Native plants that grow in the native habitats might prove less attractive to deer, compared to the highly fertilized, watered and colorful garden plants. The bottom line is that, the most deer proof plants are those that have the strongest scent. Here’s the list, anyway –
• Shrubs
• Sage – Preferably Russian ones with extreme fragrance
• Yucca – The ones featuring sharp and stiff points
• Lead plants
• Potentilla
• Copper rose – Preferably the Austrian ones
• Quince
• Spirea – Preferably the 'Blue Mist' variety
• Winged euonymus
• Golden currant
• Lilacs
• Pyracantha
• Ground Covers
• Oregon grape holly
• Prostrate Rosemary
• Perennials
• Bearded Iris
• Garlic Chives
• Rosemary
• Spined Prickly Pear Cactus
• Yarrow
• Angel Trumpet
• Bouncing Bet / Soapwort
• Mint
• Larkspurs
• Marigolds
• Periwinkles
• Zinnias
• Spider Flower
• Geranium – Preferably the native and wild varieties
• Bee Balm
Deer Repelling Sprays
There are a wide range of deer proof sprays to keep the deer off from your field. These repellents could be homemade or you can simply purchase online. Your local home improvement or gardening supply store sell them too. But be choosy while selecting your deer sprays. While some are really good, substandard sprays put horrible odor and unpleasant spots on the plants.
If you use sprays, make sure you do it in early spring. You should keep going till fall. Majority of the deer repelling sprays must be reapplied at 2 or 3-month intervals, as a minimum. Spraying every 2 weeks can help as well - especially if you’re living in a place where the climate is humid and there are lots of rains. Newly grown plants are deer's favorite. So put these repellent just when these plants start sprouting. Deer are easy to deter if you don’t allow them to develop a habit of feeding on your garden’s greenery.
Likewise, you should avoid spraying when it’s about to rain. Spray especially on the non-windy days as the temperature is likely to be at 40 degrees at least. But don’t forget to change it over occasionally, as deer might get used to the foul odors and tastes. Instead, just altering the deer repellent spray you use makes good sense. And be sure the check the active ingredient before you switch to a new one. The big idea behind changing the brand or product is changing the active deer proof ingredient.
Nevertheless, some brands are out there which do use the similar active ingredient, but the strength varies with their different products. So be smart about rotating your repellent or ingredients each and every season. Most of all, see if the product is natural, biodegradable and eco friendly. A gallon concentrate of a product can be turned into as much as 16 gallons and will cover space as vast as 32,000 sq. And there are thousands of recipes if you want to make homemade deer sprays.
Fencing options
For starters, trying the fencing option is good. Sadly, those pretty and picket varieties won't do. If you want effective fencing, make sure it’s between 4 and 7 feet high. From the land level, you also need to fit it at 45 degree angle. Nevertheless, the electrified variety also remains your option. But people in modern times do want to go for polypropylene mesh deer fencing because of the durability and neat look they come with. Actually, the look of these fencing is neat in a sense that it’s close to invisible if you look at it from a distance. Then again, this deer proof fencing is strong enough for keeping the deer out without causing any harm to them.
There are other chemical-free options that combine high-end technologies like motion sensing, light sources, water repellants, ultrasonic noise repellants or even simple solutions like scarecrows or an FM radio to make your garden or yard deer proof.
Deer Proof Plants
Do these plants really exist or work? If you surf the net, you can find lots of plants that could be used for lessening the intrusion of deer in a garden or yard. Unfortunately, if hungry, the deer will eat anything. Sometimes they won’t leave out even cactus. But still, we can look at the plants that are less preferred by deer.
Native plants that grow in the native habitats might prove less attractive to deer, compared to the highly fertilized, watered and colorful garden plants. The bottom line is that, the most deer proof plants are those that have the strongest scent. Here’s the list, anyway –
• Shrubs
• Sage – Preferably Russian ones with extreme fragrance
• Yucca – The ones featuring sharp and stiff points
• Lead plants
• Potentilla
• Copper rose – Preferably the Austrian ones
• Quince
• Spirea – Preferably the 'Blue Mist' variety
• Winged euonymus
• Golden currant
• Lilacs
• Pyracantha
• Ground Covers
• Oregon grape holly
• Prostrate Rosemary
• Perennials
• Bearded Iris
• Garlic Chives
• Rosemary
• Spined Prickly Pear Cactus
• Yarrow
• Angel Trumpet
• Bouncing Bet / Soapwort
• Mint
• Larkspurs
• Marigolds
• Periwinkles
• Zinnias
• Spider Flower
• Geranium – Preferably the native and wild varieties
• Bee Balm
Deer Repelling Sprays
There are a wide range of deer proof sprays to keep the deer off from your field. These repellents could be homemade or you can simply purchase online. Your local home improvement or gardening supply store sell them too. But be choosy while selecting your deer sprays. While some are really good, substandard sprays put horrible odor and unpleasant spots on the plants.
If you use sprays, make sure you do it in early spring. You should keep going till fall. Majority of the deer repelling sprays must be reapplied at 2 or 3-month intervals, as a minimum. Spraying every 2 weeks can help as well - especially if you’re living in a place where the climate is humid and there are lots of rains. Newly grown plants are deer's favorite. So put these repellent just when these plants start sprouting. Deer are easy to deter if you don’t allow them to develop a habit of feeding on your garden’s greenery.
Likewise, you should avoid spraying when it’s about to rain. Spray especially on the non-windy days as the temperature is likely to be at 40 degrees at least. But don’t forget to change it over occasionally, as deer might get used to the foul odors and tastes. Instead, just altering the deer repellent spray you use makes good sense. And be sure the check the active ingredient before you switch to a new one. The big idea behind changing the brand or product is changing the active deer proof ingredient.
Nevertheless, some brands are out there which do use the similar active ingredient, but the strength varies with their different products. So be smart about rotating your repellent or ingredients each and every season. Most of all, see if the product is natural, biodegradable and eco friendly. A gallon concentrate of a product can be turned into as much as 16 gallons and will cover space as vast as 32,000 sq. And there are thousands of recipes if you want to make homemade deer sprays.
Fencing options
For starters, trying the fencing option is good. Sadly, those pretty and picket varieties won't do. If you want effective fencing, make sure it’s between 4 and 7 feet high. From the land level, you also need to fit it at 45 degree angle. Nevertheless, the electrified variety also remains your option. But people in modern times do want to go for polypropylene mesh deer fencing because of the durability and neat look they come with. Actually, the look of these fencing is neat in a sense that it’s close to invisible if you look at it from a distance. Then again, this deer proof fencing is strong enough for keeping the deer out without causing any harm to them.
There are other chemical-free options that combine high-end technologies like motion sensing, light sources, water repellants, ultrasonic noise repellants or even simple solutions like scarecrows or an FM radio to make your garden or yard deer proof.
Deer Netting
The Basics on Selecting the Right Fencing and Their Installation
Deer do destroy our gardens, yards and shrubbery. So you can’t leave them free. Deer nets must be 7 feet tall at least. Actually, you do need to defend your garden or shrubs with the right deer netting. These nettings can be easily draped on garden beds and shrubbery. You could also use deer fencing as your second barricade alongside the existing fences. However, there’re some tricks that make deer netting easier and more effective.
The fact that you got to understand is that, deer by nature are used to humans and are sometimes difficult to deter. So it’s a good idea to attach your netting to the fence posts which already exists. Classic deer netting has 7-foot height and is sold in rolls. You can staple, nail or tie the netting to the garden or yard fence to stop deer from invading through and feasting your the plants and vegetation.
Deer netting thus is a great and light-weight mesh option. You can install by sloping your netting off and away from the plants or vegetation. When the deer move toward the fence, it’ll prickle their ears and they’ll become nervous. If you want to make your netting more efficient at repelling those deer, this is a good tip.
You can also wrap the netting on your shrubbery. Here, you should cut or sizes the netting to a certain length, so you can drape it on the shrubs, newly grown plants or garden beds, which need to be sheltered. Then again, the edges might also be protected with special ground stakes.
Move your netting frequently to ensure that the delicious vegetation doesn’t grow through. Actually the mesh onto the deer netting is specially designed to ensure that the deer are not able to put through their mouth all the way through the netting to collect food. If your vegetation is growing through this deer netting, they might make it habit to feast on your plants, flowers and veggies. And you’ll notices that your plants and veggies are being trimmed by them regularly.
You can also prepare double blockade. Some deer are predominantly aggressive. For them you should make something that you can call fence-within-fence using the deer netting. Usually, double fencing will confuse the deer and could daunt even the hungriest or most aggressive deer from jumping into your yard or garden.
If you want, you can reinforce the large spans of deer netting. Start by threading a suitable tension cable/rope through the netting’s crown edges and bottom edges. Then attach those tightly to the adjacent posts or trees to gain support. You could also tie ribbons through the netting for making it far more noticeable to the deer and this could help prevent accessional or accidental run-throughs. Longer spans must be fitted to the land. Use stakes every 6 feet or so.
Actually, the crises of deer invasion in peoples back or front yards, gardens and flower beds have become a predominet problem ever since there’s a rise in suberban housing developments. The progressing destruction of the deer’s natural habitat has triggered irritating deer nuisance in human neighborhoods. Deer usually prefer feeding away from the hectic human neighborhoods when they are in natural wooded areas. Still, the thing is that, they do manage to live in those heavily populated, hectic urban areas as they keep feeding on human grown plants, crops, flowers and veggies. They simply love feeding on the tender new grown shoots in the spring.
Just like said so far, deer netting happens to be a very economical, effient and simple to install option, no matter what the sizse of your field, yard or garden is. If installed in a proper manner, the netting can stand strong as a physical barrier against those invading deer. You can buy netting rolls of different heights and widths. As 7 feet is the industry standard, this doesn’t mean that you can’t install anything higher or lower. But the benefit of really high fencing is that, the deer will feel reluctant about jumping over, since this is too much of work for them.
But unlike the conventional type of deer netting, the new trend is the mesh polyphenol fencing made out of black plastic. These are pretty interesting since they are almost invisible to those daring deer if installed properly. Interestingly enough, the deer do see through these netting, but aren’t able to make it through the fencing. This causes them to get confused and naturally, they’ll tend to look elsewhere to get their meal.
Deer do destroy our gardens, yards and shrubbery. So you can’t leave them free. Deer nets must be 7 feet tall at least. Actually, you do need to defend your garden or shrubs with the right deer netting. These nettings can be easily draped on garden beds and shrubbery. You could also use deer fencing as your second barricade alongside the existing fences. However, there’re some tricks that make deer netting easier and more effective.
The fact that you got to understand is that, deer by nature are used to humans and are sometimes difficult to deter. So it’s a good idea to attach your netting to the fence posts which already exists. Classic deer netting has 7-foot height and is sold in rolls. You can staple, nail or tie the netting to the garden or yard fence to stop deer from invading through and feasting your the plants and vegetation.
Deer netting thus is a great and light-weight mesh option. You can install by sloping your netting off and away from the plants or vegetation. When the deer move toward the fence, it’ll prickle their ears and they’ll become nervous. If you want to make your netting more efficient at repelling those deer, this is a good tip.
You can also wrap the netting on your shrubbery. Here, you should cut or sizes the netting to a certain length, so you can drape it on the shrubs, newly grown plants or garden beds, which need to be sheltered. Then again, the edges might also be protected with special ground stakes.
Move your netting frequently to ensure that the delicious vegetation doesn’t grow through. Actually the mesh onto the deer netting is specially designed to ensure that the deer are not able to put through their mouth all the way through the netting to collect food. If your vegetation is growing through this deer netting, they might make it habit to feast on your plants, flowers and veggies. And you’ll notices that your plants and veggies are being trimmed by them regularly.
You can also prepare double blockade. Some deer are predominantly aggressive. For them you should make something that you can call fence-within-fence using the deer netting. Usually, double fencing will confuse the deer and could daunt even the hungriest or most aggressive deer from jumping into your yard or garden.
If you want, you can reinforce the large spans of deer netting. Start by threading a suitable tension cable/rope through the netting’s crown edges and bottom edges. Then attach those tightly to the adjacent posts or trees to gain support. You could also tie ribbons through the netting for making it far more noticeable to the deer and this could help prevent accessional or accidental run-throughs. Longer spans must be fitted to the land. Use stakes every 6 feet or so.
Actually, the crises of deer invasion in peoples back or front yards, gardens and flower beds have become a predominet problem ever since there’s a rise in suberban housing developments. The progressing destruction of the deer’s natural habitat has triggered irritating deer nuisance in human neighborhoods. Deer usually prefer feeding away from the hectic human neighborhoods when they are in natural wooded areas. Still, the thing is that, they do manage to live in those heavily populated, hectic urban areas as they keep feeding on human grown plants, crops, flowers and veggies. They simply love feeding on the tender new grown shoots in the spring.
Just like said so far, deer netting happens to be a very economical, effient and simple to install option, no matter what the sizse of your field, yard or garden is. If installed in a proper manner, the netting can stand strong as a physical barrier against those invading deer. You can buy netting rolls of different heights and widths. As 7 feet is the industry standard, this doesn’t mean that you can’t install anything higher or lower. But the benefit of really high fencing is that, the deer will feel reluctant about jumping over, since this is too much of work for them.
But unlike the conventional type of deer netting, the new trend is the mesh polyphenol fencing made out of black plastic. These are pretty interesting since they are almost invisible to those daring deer if installed properly. Interestingly enough, the deer do see through these netting, but aren’t able to make it through the fencing. This causes them to get confused and naturally, they’ll tend to look elsewhere to get their meal.
Deer Deterrent
Keeping the Deer off and away - What’s Best Deer Deterrent?
There are different types of deer deterrent solutions out there. For controlling deer damage, the most common ones are fencing, scare devices, natural repellants and chemical repellents. And you got to make wise decisions while choosing a deer deterrent as deer are smart and highly adaptable to decide what won’t harm them. In areas where there’s high degree of deer density, you can use repellents to overcome the feeding pressure.
Scare devices like flashing lights or noisemakers, are generally used for chasing the deer away off your yard or identified areas. But you need to face the fact that, most deer deterrent scare devices work temporarily and over time, the smart deer may understand that there isn’t any reason to fret.
Visual Deterrents: Consider using strobe lights, which flash or revolve. Such lighting systems usually are activated with timers and/or motion detectors. Take the Mylar tape, as it’s shiny and pretty reflective. They can easily be strung in between trees. You can also set them as streamers onto poles. On the other hand, mainly when they’re made of moving parts, can scare the deer off. On the other hand, “Scare-eye” balloons which are filled with light gases like helium can scare the deer off, if tethered over the ground by monofilament line.
Noise Deterrents: You can use a radio and/or other animals’ recorded distress calls. They should be played constantly and might frighten the deer away. On the other hand, commercially sold deer deterrent ultrasonic devices can also emit extremely augmented sound waves which are beyond the inaudible level of humans but literally intolerable to the deer. Also consider using aluminum pie/tin cans which rattle occasionally in the wind. If you like high tech things, consider using Motion Activated Ultrasonic Deer or Animal Repellents. These are especially designed to frighten the deer off while hindering their entry into your yard. The exceptional thing about these devices is that, they don’t let the clever deer get used to these sounds. Rather, they emit a really high pitch of ultrasonic blast, which is shot beyond the audible frequency of normal human hearing, but effective for disturbing deer.
Water Sprayers: There are smart motion-activated sprinklers that work great as water sprinklers. They can be programmed to go off if trigged by highly powerful deer deterrent motion detectors. Usually you can program them by timers too. They work well when you alter the schedule changed much so often, since they can’t adapt to it. But, since they need a high-pressured water supply, they’re not at al useful when the temperatures are sub-freezing.
Some motion activated water repellents can literally chase the deer off your landscape or gardens. Putting it straight and simple, they are able to sense these animals with heat and movements. Many of them are programmed to stay pauses for 8 to 10 seconds once fired. This creates randomness and the deer can’t get used to the water repellent.
Today, there is a wide selection of commercial as well as homemade deer deterrent products. Repellents can work by making your plants unpalatable. They can also work by emitting an odor that is highly offensive to the deer. Actually the best repellants can do both. With an awful taste, those deer would need to chew your plants first to realize that it tastes ugly. But when a deer deterrent product merely has repelling smell element, the deer might feed anyway especially when they’re hungry enough. There are some national brands sold in nurseries or hardware stores and also by catalog or through online outlets. The commercial grade repellents usually work for some time before those smart deer get used to them.
So the most feasible way to keep that from happening will be to repeatedly rotate your mode and strategy of defense. But you got to understand the fact that repellents are in no way applicable on food crops! Odor repellents are made from ugly tasting ammonium soaps, fatty acids, refined proteins, fibers (extracted from processed food), citrus scents, bone tar oil, treated sewage or indigestible egg solids. You can also consider using "natural" home-made repellents and there are different types of formula. An ingenious one is, for instance, you can use small fine-mesh human hair (should be around 2 handfuls) along with bar soap. Just hang them from tree branches and replace them every month. You could find many of such smart deer deterrent ingredients.
There are different types of deer deterrent solutions out there. For controlling deer damage, the most common ones are fencing, scare devices, natural repellants and chemical repellents. And you got to make wise decisions while choosing a deer deterrent as deer are smart and highly adaptable to decide what won’t harm them. In areas where there’s high degree of deer density, you can use repellents to overcome the feeding pressure.
Scare devices like flashing lights or noisemakers, are generally used for chasing the deer away off your yard or identified areas. But you need to face the fact that, most deer deterrent scare devices work temporarily and over time, the smart deer may understand that there isn’t any reason to fret.
Visual Deterrents: Consider using strobe lights, which flash or revolve. Such lighting systems usually are activated with timers and/or motion detectors. Take the Mylar tape, as it’s shiny and pretty reflective. They can easily be strung in between trees. You can also set them as streamers onto poles. On the other hand, mainly when they’re made of moving parts, can scare the deer off. On the other hand, “Scare-eye” balloons which are filled with light gases like helium can scare the deer off, if tethered over the ground by monofilament line.
Noise Deterrents: You can use a radio and/or other animals’ recorded distress calls. They should be played constantly and might frighten the deer away. On the other hand, commercially sold deer deterrent ultrasonic devices can also emit extremely augmented sound waves which are beyond the inaudible level of humans but literally intolerable to the deer. Also consider using aluminum pie/tin cans which rattle occasionally in the wind. If you like high tech things, consider using Motion Activated Ultrasonic Deer or Animal Repellents. These are especially designed to frighten the deer off while hindering their entry into your yard. The exceptional thing about these devices is that, they don’t let the clever deer get used to these sounds. Rather, they emit a really high pitch of ultrasonic blast, which is shot beyond the audible frequency of normal human hearing, but effective for disturbing deer.
Water Sprayers: There are smart motion-activated sprinklers that work great as water sprinklers. They can be programmed to go off if trigged by highly powerful deer deterrent motion detectors. Usually you can program them by timers too. They work well when you alter the schedule changed much so often, since they can’t adapt to it. But, since they need a high-pressured water supply, they’re not at al useful when the temperatures are sub-freezing.
Some motion activated water repellents can literally chase the deer off your landscape or gardens. Putting it straight and simple, they are able to sense these animals with heat and movements. Many of them are programmed to stay pauses for 8 to 10 seconds once fired. This creates randomness and the deer can’t get used to the water repellent.
Today, there is a wide selection of commercial as well as homemade deer deterrent products. Repellents can work by making your plants unpalatable. They can also work by emitting an odor that is highly offensive to the deer. Actually the best repellants can do both. With an awful taste, those deer would need to chew your plants first to realize that it tastes ugly. But when a deer deterrent product merely has repelling smell element, the deer might feed anyway especially when they’re hungry enough. There are some national brands sold in nurseries or hardware stores and also by catalog or through online outlets. The commercial grade repellents usually work for some time before those smart deer get used to them.
So the most feasible way to keep that from happening will be to repeatedly rotate your mode and strategy of defense. But you got to understand the fact that repellents are in no way applicable on food crops! Odor repellents are made from ugly tasting ammonium soaps, fatty acids, refined proteins, fibers (extracted from processed food), citrus scents, bone tar oil, treated sewage or indigestible egg solids. You can also consider using "natural" home-made repellents and there are different types of formula. An ingenious one is, for instance, you can use small fine-mesh human hair (should be around 2 handfuls) along with bar soap. Just hang them from tree branches and replace them every month. You could find many of such smart deer deterrent ingredients.
Deer Barriers
Your Flank Defenses against Deer Invasion
Poly Fencing
Some experts suggest the best way to deter the deer your property or garden is to encircle it with eight-foot high black plastic fencing. To many people, the sturdy deer fencing, with unobtrusive black poly-netting can do wonders to help protect the whole property. Poly fencing may be fastened to the existing trees about the yard’s perimeter. But you can attach to poles also. Like just said, such plastic made deer netting is coated black purposefully and thus is nearly invisible it you look at it from a distance. This one is a solid performer among the modern day deer barriers.
However, with quality fencing the 3 feet at the bottom won’t be plastic. Rather, it’s supposed to be made of chicken wire, which is especially black coated. Thus rabbits and groundhogs cannot chew it. If professionally installed, such fencing is fairly expensive, costing you around $12 per linear foot (things also depend on the number of gates you’ll need, though). Once installed, your poly deer fencing can last for even decades.
Electric Fencing
Consider this one if you are looking for electric deer barriers. Electric fences happen to be extremely effective when it comes to repelling deer. Still, they aren’t too practical if you want to keep deer off your entire yard. Conversely, they’re terrific if you want to protect a vegetable garden, green plants or your flower garden. The finest electric fence makes use of either batteries and/or solar power. These are relatively cheaper systems and are simple to fit or maintain. It’s hard to get your electric fencing look pretty, though.
These fences repel deer but are safe for birds and children. If a pet puts its nose on the fence it will get the same shock experienced by the deer only it will not hurt them. They are likely not to try it again though.
How to Bait An Electric Fence?
The deer may simply jump over your electric fence. That’s why you have to train them so they do not leap over the fencing. Once the fence is right in place, the best trick would be to setting up a planned training process to discourage the deer. You have to bait the fence using peanut butter. And you will want to get the neighborhood deer to voluntarily come up and place their nose on your fence. If the electric shock is right, they’re immediately discouraged and trained to keep away from that area.
Mount 1-foot aluminum foil strips along the fencing and do this at 18-inch intervals. Then get a spoon of fresh aromatic peanut butter at the ending of every strip. In a matter of 2 weeks, all those deer in the neighborhood will be shaken and they’ll avoid your yard or garden for months.
Other Popular Deer Barriers
Adapting Your Existing Fence - Deer do jump high and can jump really wide. Fortunately, they can’t do both at the same time. So, your current chicken wire fencing surrounding your flower garden, tender plants or vegetable garden could be made much more efficient if you add single-strand electric fencing in front. Chicken wire fencing has to be 4-feet tall at least. Place 3-feet high single strand wire at the front of your chicken wire and it should be around 2.5-feet over the ground.
Sometimes you get better results if you put some brain behind your deer barriers. This idea behind the design is that from their standing position, the deer will find troubles jumping high enough to clear your chicken wire fencing if this electrified single strand wiring gets in their way. Then again, if the deer touches that single wire in one attempt, that’s good also. An electric jolt would influence it to go elsewhere. The design is good for stone walls and wooden fences too.
Monster Fences - You could find online numerous designs if you’re looking for very detailed and costly 8-foot tall wire fencing fitted at a very special angle. They can give you guaranteed performance to keep the deer out. Such fences are great within the country especially for commercial purposes.
Fishing line fencing - Some people successfully kept deer out off vulnerable areas by fitting 30 lbs of test monofilament fishing line on stakes which are two feet over the ground level. Actually exceptional deer barriers like this can really work sometimes! Most deer generally move around during the nighttime, when it’s all dark. Since they can not view the fishing line, bumping up with the fishing line every so often can scare them off. For best results, you need to string the fishing line rather tightly. so it does not give too much when touched by the deer.
Poly Fencing
Some experts suggest the best way to deter the deer your property or garden is to encircle it with eight-foot high black plastic fencing. To many people, the sturdy deer fencing, with unobtrusive black poly-netting can do wonders to help protect the whole property. Poly fencing may be fastened to the existing trees about the yard’s perimeter. But you can attach to poles also. Like just said, such plastic made deer netting is coated black purposefully and thus is nearly invisible it you look at it from a distance. This one is a solid performer among the modern day deer barriers.
However, with quality fencing the 3 feet at the bottom won’t be plastic. Rather, it’s supposed to be made of chicken wire, which is especially black coated. Thus rabbits and groundhogs cannot chew it. If professionally installed, such fencing is fairly expensive, costing you around $12 per linear foot (things also depend on the number of gates you’ll need, though). Once installed, your poly deer fencing can last for even decades.
Electric Fencing
Consider this one if you are looking for electric deer barriers. Electric fences happen to be extremely effective when it comes to repelling deer. Still, they aren’t too practical if you want to keep deer off your entire yard. Conversely, they’re terrific if you want to protect a vegetable garden, green plants or your flower garden. The finest electric fence makes use of either batteries and/or solar power. These are relatively cheaper systems and are simple to fit or maintain. It’s hard to get your electric fencing look pretty, though.
These fences repel deer but are safe for birds and children. If a pet puts its nose on the fence it will get the same shock experienced by the deer only it will not hurt them. They are likely not to try it again though.
How to Bait An Electric Fence?
The deer may simply jump over your electric fence. That’s why you have to train them so they do not leap over the fencing. Once the fence is right in place, the best trick would be to setting up a planned training process to discourage the deer. You have to bait the fence using peanut butter. And you will want to get the neighborhood deer to voluntarily come up and place their nose on your fence. If the electric shock is right, they’re immediately discouraged and trained to keep away from that area.
Mount 1-foot aluminum foil strips along the fencing and do this at 18-inch intervals. Then get a spoon of fresh aromatic peanut butter at the ending of every strip. In a matter of 2 weeks, all those deer in the neighborhood will be shaken and they’ll avoid your yard or garden for months.
Other Popular Deer Barriers
Adapting Your Existing Fence - Deer do jump high and can jump really wide. Fortunately, they can’t do both at the same time. So, your current chicken wire fencing surrounding your flower garden, tender plants or vegetable garden could be made much more efficient if you add single-strand electric fencing in front. Chicken wire fencing has to be 4-feet tall at least. Place 3-feet high single strand wire at the front of your chicken wire and it should be around 2.5-feet over the ground.
Sometimes you get better results if you put some brain behind your deer barriers. This idea behind the design is that from their standing position, the deer will find troubles jumping high enough to clear your chicken wire fencing if this electrified single strand wiring gets in their way. Then again, if the deer touches that single wire in one attempt, that’s good also. An electric jolt would influence it to go elsewhere. The design is good for stone walls and wooden fences too.
Monster Fences - You could find online numerous designs if you’re looking for very detailed and costly 8-foot tall wire fencing fitted at a very special angle. They can give you guaranteed performance to keep the deer out. Such fences are great within the country especially for commercial purposes.
Fishing line fencing - Some people successfully kept deer out off vulnerable areas by fitting 30 lbs of test monofilament fishing line on stakes which are two feet over the ground level. Actually exceptional deer barriers like this can really work sometimes! Most deer generally move around during the nighttime, when it’s all dark. Since they can not view the fishing line, bumping up with the fishing line every so often can scare them off. For best results, you need to string the fishing line rather tightly. so it does not give too much when touched by the deer.
Deer Solution
What is the Best Deer Solution? – The Benefits of Using Deer Fencing
Are you looking for a practical deer solution? We’re about to show you some deer management practices. There’re 5 general methods when it comes to preventing and/or managing deer damage done to your crops or garden. The 5 major methods are –
1. Exclusion
2. Cultural methods
3. Scare devices
4. Repellents, and
5. Culling or harvest
Take the instance of exclusion, as there are quite a few options. They might involve both permanent and temporary fences. You could also make use of a wireless fence, which is specially made for deer. There are other exclusion methods for keeping the deer from reaching your plants, though. But the most efficient technique for exclusion happens to be the well-designed fence. At the moment there’re numerous designs available, which can meet your specific needs. Fortunately, the temporary electrified fences come as simple, cheap and practical deer solution for protecting your garden or field crops in snow-free times. And it makes real good sense baiting these fences with appealing (to deer) foods like peanut butter or apples, since this will enhance the efficiency of the electrified fences. Now that’s what you call a deer solution!
Putting it straight and simple, deer are highly attracted to those fences because of their lucrative appearance and/or smell. They are drawn into contacting these fences as they tend to touch these fences with their noses. This’ll cause a shock strong enough to intimidate the deer and soon after, they will be trained to keep away from these fenced areas. On the other hand, permanent and high-tensile electric fences come with year-round shield against deer and usually are highly suited to the orchard, crop or plant varieties which are of high-value crops.
You can choose to install permanent woven-wire fences if you want an ultimate deer solution. They call for little (if any) maintenance. But the thing is that, they’re highly costly to build. Actually, the overall cost involved in constructing these effective fences sometimes makes producers or farmers reluctant about investing in those. That’s why you see private gardens and expansive agricultural areas with orchards remaining without any fencing.
For a particular level of deer density, the possibility for damages will tend be larger on the bigger plantings, compared to the smaller ones. Consequently, the larger areas frequently need more practical fencing designs for ensuring a minimal level of defense. There have been some researches done by NY based professionals. They believe that if there’s an extreme deer foraging problem, the typical designs for vertical electric fence hardly ever provide any reliable defense for the plantings which are in an area larger than 5 acres.
Some electric-fencing systems are capable enough for protecting your plantings which are expanded on 50 acres of land. On the other hand, blocks any larger than fifty acres generally call for 8-foot-high woven-wire fences to constantly prevent the deer from rummaging the crop or garden area when there is high feeding pressure.
Some researches proposed that under some grim conditions, advanced fencing systems like baited electric wires or fences featuring 3-D outriggers or the slanted and vertical fences (that are as high as 11 feet), are solid enough to keep the deer off. On the other hand, the study also suggested that sometimes simple designs prove effective solely under lighter deer pressure on areas which are relatively smaller.
Low-cost and easily built fences might as well perform fairly well for smaller areas (i.e. the ones which are less than 10 acres) in the growing season as the deer have alternative foods choices in those seasons. Low profile fencing, conversely, is rarely satisfactory for shielding commercial grade orchards or your ornamental plantings during the in winter. This applies especially when the snow restricts the deer from feeding on other food sources. So it’s highly recommended that landowners also check with local ordinances or covenants to know whether electric fencing is allowed to use, or whether fences of a particular kind might be built on their fields, gardens or properties.
You could find more resources in the internet regarding deer solution. But the fact is that, there are many other techniques if you want to ease your deer problems. Like said earlier, there are repellents, scare tactics and some other effective techniques. You choose what you need.
Are you looking for a practical deer solution? We’re about to show you some deer management practices. There’re 5 general methods when it comes to preventing and/or managing deer damage done to your crops or garden. The 5 major methods are –
1. Exclusion
2. Cultural methods
3. Scare devices
4. Repellents, and
5. Culling or harvest
Take the instance of exclusion, as there are quite a few options. They might involve both permanent and temporary fences. You could also make use of a wireless fence, which is specially made for deer. There are other exclusion methods for keeping the deer from reaching your plants, though. But the most efficient technique for exclusion happens to be the well-designed fence. At the moment there’re numerous designs available, which can meet your specific needs. Fortunately, the temporary electrified fences come as simple, cheap and practical deer solution for protecting your garden or field crops in snow-free times. And it makes real good sense baiting these fences with appealing (to deer) foods like peanut butter or apples, since this will enhance the efficiency of the electrified fences. Now that’s what you call a deer solution!
Putting it straight and simple, deer are highly attracted to those fences because of their lucrative appearance and/or smell. They are drawn into contacting these fences as they tend to touch these fences with their noses. This’ll cause a shock strong enough to intimidate the deer and soon after, they will be trained to keep away from these fenced areas. On the other hand, permanent and high-tensile electric fences come with year-round shield against deer and usually are highly suited to the orchard, crop or plant varieties which are of high-value crops.
You can choose to install permanent woven-wire fences if you want an ultimate deer solution. They call for little (if any) maintenance. But the thing is that, they’re highly costly to build. Actually, the overall cost involved in constructing these effective fences sometimes makes producers or farmers reluctant about investing in those. That’s why you see private gardens and expansive agricultural areas with orchards remaining without any fencing.
For a particular level of deer density, the possibility for damages will tend be larger on the bigger plantings, compared to the smaller ones. Consequently, the larger areas frequently need more practical fencing designs for ensuring a minimal level of defense. There have been some researches done by NY based professionals. They believe that if there’s an extreme deer foraging problem, the typical designs for vertical electric fence hardly ever provide any reliable defense for the plantings which are in an area larger than 5 acres.
Some electric-fencing systems are capable enough for protecting your plantings which are expanded on 50 acres of land. On the other hand, blocks any larger than fifty acres generally call for 8-foot-high woven-wire fences to constantly prevent the deer from rummaging the crop or garden area when there is high feeding pressure.
Some researches proposed that under some grim conditions, advanced fencing systems like baited electric wires or fences featuring 3-D outriggers or the slanted and vertical fences (that are as high as 11 feet), are solid enough to keep the deer off. On the other hand, the study also suggested that sometimes simple designs prove effective solely under lighter deer pressure on areas which are relatively smaller.
Low-cost and easily built fences might as well perform fairly well for smaller areas (i.e. the ones which are less than 10 acres) in the growing season as the deer have alternative foods choices in those seasons. Low profile fencing, conversely, is rarely satisfactory for shielding commercial grade orchards or your ornamental plantings during the in winter. This applies especially when the snow restricts the deer from feeding on other food sources. So it’s highly recommended that landowners also check with local ordinances or covenants to know whether electric fencing is allowed to use, or whether fences of a particular kind might be built on their fields, gardens or properties.
You could find more resources in the internet regarding deer solution. But the fact is that, there are many other techniques if you want to ease your deer problems. Like said earlier, there are repellents, scare tactics and some other effective techniques. You choose what you need.
Deer Alerts
The Nitty-Gritty of Deer Alerts - What do the Latest Technology Have to Offer?
Did you know that every year on an average, around 300 people pass away due to 1.5 million collisions between cars and deer? This cost car drivers their insurance companies more than $1 billion. This has been confirmed by the insurance industry-funded research report in 2003. Another research revealed that the nationwide deer population already has puffed-up from the 10 million level of the 80s, to today’s 35-million mark! Believe it or not, the average projected cost of repairing following the deer collision is $2400. But an investment of $40 might help reduce the odds of running into a deer-car collision! We are about to discuss how deer alerts can help prevent that.
Is your ride safe? Some parts of the US are sanctuaries for deer and you never know when you run into one. Fortunately, electronic deer alert devices are designed to warn deer, moose, pets or similar types of animals about your approaching car from as much as 1,500 feet distance. There are different types of deer alerts, though. While some come as portable magnetic mount design with a power adapter, you could also find alert devises that are made of different technologies. However, the magnet units are highly convenient since they are installable in a matter of seconds and you don’t need to hit the car workshop for installation.
Deer alert devices can help prevent human and animal injuries. They are useful for preventing expensive damages caused by automobile collisions with different types of animals. A standard alert device can produce alternating audible as well as ultrasonic sounds for different types of animals. Some special sonic tones are meant to alert bigger animals like deer, while ultrasonic tones are meant to alert minor animals like cats or rabbits. Some devices are wind-activated. But you want to buy an alert device which is capable of preventing vehicle crashes with animals at virtually all speeds. And it should have the capacity to be turned on whenever you want.
A good quality deer alert gadget won’t get clogged with dirt, debris and grime. So check whether the deer alerts you’re eyeing on is resistant to those kinds of things. Standard 12V devices are come with 3.5 to 5.5 kHz capacity at 89dB level. To make sure you get the product right for you, take the trouble of comparing among these products. That way you can be sure that you’re getting the right product with the best specifications and for the cheapest price.
Talking of modern day devices, you will come across with some devices that which have some prerequisites to function. For instance, some deer alerts needs to have an open view of the highway or road surface. As opposed to the magnet based alert devices, most others require that you drill in two or three mounting holes to house them on your. You need to mount it facing a direction to ensure that it remains in a 45 degree position to its front road surface, usually in the road plane’s 6 to 3 feet. This ensures that they reach maximum efficiency levels.
Moreover, you also need to run a wire or two from the mechanism through the car’s engine compartment and also through its firewall in the vehicle. As you can understand, you need to locate a suitable location to conveniently operate the ON/OFF switch. Remember that you need to operate the switch from the driving seat. And it’s really interesting how some deer alerts are activated. For instance, flashing the car’s headlights high beam two times power the car alert device ON. That’s how standard models are simple to install as they go with their link to the car’s head lights.
On the other hand, some deer alerts are made of a pair of 2-inch long, pellet shaped devices that can effortlessly be mounted onto the face-bumper of your car, truck or motorbike. As these vehicle reach certain speed (usually over 30 mph), the air running through the devices’ cylinder produces a special ultrasonic signal (usually from 16,000 to 20,000 Hertz. And this sound can go as far as ¼ mile away (just about the size of four football fields!), plainly stopping deer, rabbits and similar types of animals while they’re approaching your car. Fortunately, sound produced by these deer-alerts can’t be noticed by passengers while they’re inside the vehicle. And neither does such sound irritate anyone on the wayside. That’s why you can consider shopping for deer alerts that suit your car.
Did you know that every year on an average, around 300 people pass away due to 1.5 million collisions between cars and deer? This cost car drivers their insurance companies more than $1 billion. This has been confirmed by the insurance industry-funded research report in 2003. Another research revealed that the nationwide deer population already has puffed-up from the 10 million level of the 80s, to today’s 35-million mark! Believe it or not, the average projected cost of repairing following the deer collision is $2400. But an investment of $40 might help reduce the odds of running into a deer-car collision! We are about to discuss how deer alerts can help prevent that.
Is your ride safe? Some parts of the US are sanctuaries for deer and you never know when you run into one. Fortunately, electronic deer alert devices are designed to warn deer, moose, pets or similar types of animals about your approaching car from as much as 1,500 feet distance. There are different types of deer alerts, though. While some come as portable magnetic mount design with a power adapter, you could also find alert devises that are made of different technologies. However, the magnet units are highly convenient since they are installable in a matter of seconds and you don’t need to hit the car workshop for installation.
Deer alert devices can help prevent human and animal injuries. They are useful for preventing expensive damages caused by automobile collisions with different types of animals. A standard alert device can produce alternating audible as well as ultrasonic sounds for different types of animals. Some special sonic tones are meant to alert bigger animals like deer, while ultrasonic tones are meant to alert minor animals like cats or rabbits. Some devices are wind-activated. But you want to buy an alert device which is capable of preventing vehicle crashes with animals at virtually all speeds. And it should have the capacity to be turned on whenever you want.
A good quality deer alert gadget won’t get clogged with dirt, debris and grime. So check whether the deer alerts you’re eyeing on is resistant to those kinds of things. Standard 12V devices are come with 3.5 to 5.5 kHz capacity at 89dB level. To make sure you get the product right for you, take the trouble of comparing among these products. That way you can be sure that you’re getting the right product with the best specifications and for the cheapest price.
Talking of modern day devices, you will come across with some devices that which have some prerequisites to function. For instance, some deer alerts needs to have an open view of the highway or road surface. As opposed to the magnet based alert devices, most others require that you drill in two or three mounting holes to house them on your. You need to mount it facing a direction to ensure that it remains in a 45 degree position to its front road surface, usually in the road plane’s 6 to 3 feet. This ensures that they reach maximum efficiency levels.
Moreover, you also need to run a wire or two from the mechanism through the car’s engine compartment and also through its firewall in the vehicle. As you can understand, you need to locate a suitable location to conveniently operate the ON/OFF switch. Remember that you need to operate the switch from the driving seat. And it’s really interesting how some deer alerts are activated. For instance, flashing the car’s headlights high beam two times power the car alert device ON. That’s how standard models are simple to install as they go with their link to the car’s head lights.
On the other hand, some deer alerts are made of a pair of 2-inch long, pellet shaped devices that can effortlessly be mounted onto the face-bumper of your car, truck or motorbike. As these vehicle reach certain speed (usually over 30 mph), the air running through the devices’ cylinder produces a special ultrasonic signal (usually from 16,000 to 20,000 Hertz. And this sound can go as far as ¼ mile away (just about the size of four football fields!), plainly stopping deer, rabbits and similar types of animals while they’re approaching your car. Fortunately, sound produced by these deer-alerts can’t be noticed by passengers while they’re inside the vehicle. And neither does such sound irritate anyone on the wayside. That’s why you can consider shopping for deer alerts that suit your car.
Deer Protection
Understanding the Problem and Your Options to Keep Deer off Your Property
Experts suggest a variety of management practices for preventing or controlling the damages done by the deer to crops, fruits, orchards, landscapes or gardens. As every field, orchard, plant setting or garden is unique, there isn’t way any one or all of those deer management techniques are likely to achieve ideal deer control. Still, they do provide us with more or less deer protection to lessen the damage.
Generally, deer can damage plants as they browse on the newly born vegetation. But as food is in short supply, they are likely to eat almost anything to stay alive. There are some key reasons the deer are getting more intense as a problem in different parts of US. But the primary reason is simple… they are increasing in number! An AP article stated that the nationwide deer population currently stands between 25 and 30 million!!
And they have been growing in high rate for decades. It isn’t just that they have mastered that art of intruding suburbia. They’ve also got momentum from a succession of meek winters. An added momentum to this growth was the increase in the lately developed areas which have been declared as off limits for deer hunters. Similarly, there is a steep decline in deer hunting in different parts of the US.
Some forecasters think there would be some point in future when the nationwide deer populace will turn so huge that it won’t sustain itself. Still, nobody knows when. We’re not sure when it’ll max out to destruction. A wildlife biologist of Cornell University holds that the deer populations already reached the densities most biologist couldn’t have imagined 10 years back. That’s why it’s so important that we think about viable methods for deer protection.
And the damages caused by the deer do vary significantly. Actually things depend on the kind of crops and plants they have browsed through and the number of intruding deer that browsed those. A wildlife specialist of Auburn University has explained that it’s not rare for various growers around the Southeastern regions to suffer crop damage (mostly on peanuts and cotton) of $20,000 to $30,000 in a single crop year. Deer attacks are one of the extensive problems in our agricultural sector. Added to the crisis is the fact that such damages generally are highly site specific. Dependant on the habitat surrounding the field, a person might suffer absolutely no damage, while the person who has a nearby field might sustain a heavy damage due to the deer’s browsing.
Deer generally prefer a rather fragmented habitat which is composed of woodland (it gives them cover) and an open cropland. Most farmers might notice more of the deer feeding around the fields’ edges near woods. These are the area the deer are able to feed without getting too far-off from their cover. According to the estimates of the USDA entire deer damage caused by auto collisions, crop damages and timber losses goes as high as $1 billion per year as a minimum.
Since we’re trying to understand the issue of deer protection, let’s take a look at the applicable regulations and available assistance now. Since deer generally are sheltered by special game regulations within all US states, along with Canadian provinces, experts strongly suggest that you contact your state specific wildlife conservation and natural resource agency, because they are the ones responsible for enforcing your state’s wildlife regulations. We are required to thoroughly know these regulations prior to implementing any kind of deer protection or control practice.
There are some special state agencies which have specific programs to assist you with the necessary technical assistance. Some states have special programs which are compensating farmers for different types of deer damages. Then again, in some states and in local municipalities, there are special laws that restrict some options regarding deer management. Farmers and producers must stay updated about their respective state laws or regulations, since these tend to change every year.
The Wildlife Services is a wing of the APHIS (APHIS is the acronym for Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service) and it helps people prevent or lessen wildlife damage. It also provides them with necessary technical assistance and/or direct control. If you need to get further info regarding the assistance, you can contact the APHIS office in your state.
Experts suggest a variety of management practices for preventing or controlling the damages done by the deer to crops, fruits, orchards, landscapes or gardens. As every field, orchard, plant setting or garden is unique, there isn’t way any one or all of those deer management techniques are likely to achieve ideal deer control. Still, they do provide us with more or less deer protection to lessen the damage.
Generally, deer can damage plants as they browse on the newly born vegetation. But as food is in short supply, they are likely to eat almost anything to stay alive. There are some key reasons the deer are getting more intense as a problem in different parts of US. But the primary reason is simple… they are increasing in number! An AP article stated that the nationwide deer population currently stands between 25 and 30 million!!
And they have been growing in high rate for decades. It isn’t just that they have mastered that art of intruding suburbia. They’ve also got momentum from a succession of meek winters. An added momentum to this growth was the increase in the lately developed areas which have been declared as off limits for deer hunters. Similarly, there is a steep decline in deer hunting in different parts of the US.
Some forecasters think there would be some point in future when the nationwide deer populace will turn so huge that it won’t sustain itself. Still, nobody knows when. We’re not sure when it’ll max out to destruction. A wildlife biologist of Cornell University holds that the deer populations already reached the densities most biologist couldn’t have imagined 10 years back. That’s why it’s so important that we think about viable methods for deer protection.
And the damages caused by the deer do vary significantly. Actually things depend on the kind of crops and plants they have browsed through and the number of intruding deer that browsed those. A wildlife specialist of Auburn University has explained that it’s not rare for various growers around the Southeastern regions to suffer crop damage (mostly on peanuts and cotton) of $20,000 to $30,000 in a single crop year. Deer attacks are one of the extensive problems in our agricultural sector. Added to the crisis is the fact that such damages generally are highly site specific. Dependant on the habitat surrounding the field, a person might suffer absolutely no damage, while the person who has a nearby field might sustain a heavy damage due to the deer’s browsing.
Deer generally prefer a rather fragmented habitat which is composed of woodland (it gives them cover) and an open cropland. Most farmers might notice more of the deer feeding around the fields’ edges near woods. These are the area the deer are able to feed without getting too far-off from their cover. According to the estimates of the USDA entire deer damage caused by auto collisions, crop damages and timber losses goes as high as $1 billion per year as a minimum.
Since we’re trying to understand the issue of deer protection, let’s take a look at the applicable regulations and available assistance now. Since deer generally are sheltered by special game regulations within all US states, along with Canadian provinces, experts strongly suggest that you contact your state specific wildlife conservation and natural resource agency, because they are the ones responsible for enforcing your state’s wildlife regulations. We are required to thoroughly know these regulations prior to implementing any kind of deer protection or control practice.
There are some special state agencies which have specific programs to assist you with the necessary technical assistance. Some states have special programs which are compensating farmers for different types of deer damages. Then again, in some states and in local municipalities, there are special laws that restrict some options regarding deer management. Farmers and producers must stay updated about their respective state laws or regulations, since these tend to change every year.
The Wildlife Services is a wing of the APHIS (APHIS is the acronym for Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service) and it helps people prevent or lessen wildlife damage. It also provides them with necessary technical assistance and/or direct control. If you need to get further info regarding the assistance, you can contact the APHIS office in your state.
Deer Problem
Understanding Deer Problem and the Viable Solutions
Deer and Your Flower Gardens
Of all sorts of deer protection jobs, this one happens to be the easiest. Most flower gardens won’t occupy too much of space. That’s why, you almost certainly are not directing those deer off a large area, and there would still be bounty of summer browse for them all around. Actually, you might succeed if you just apply a smart deer repellant (there are many in the market). Would you believe that some of them are formulated with pig blood or coyote urine?
While some repellants make your plants taste ugly for the deer, other versatile products will also make them smell horrible to deer. But no matter which product you choose, you should reapply on a regular basis in the growth season, since the deer can rapidly learn that the new and untreated shoots won’t taste bad, and these plants grow fast! The bottom line is that, repellants are good way to solve deer problem. And if the deer seem too desperate for the repellant, consider using motion activated water sprayer. You can use an ultrasonic repellent as well. Some people just install a net.
Deer and Your Vegetable Gardens
Now, here’s a harder job. Unfortunately, your vegetables are the prime and tastiest food source for deer. You don’t want to imagine how desperate the deer get when they explore the succulent veggies you’ve worked so hard to grow. Actually, once they come know the nature of the garden, the sole answer probably is a fence barrier. If you don’t want to go through a nightmare, start early on and apply defensive measures early on in the spring before the plants are really growing up, since the deer still don’t know about the contents of your garden. If you’ve started out really late, aren’t an expert deer hunter, and simply want to give it the easiest and best shot you got, then may be it’s a motion activated water sprayer that you want. This one can provide your garden with a short-term relief from the deer invasion. Similarly, the electronic as well as ultrasonic repellents could easily prove extremely effective for keeping those deer effectively in check. That’s how you deal with such deer problem.
Deer and Your Fruit Trees
Certain repellents can turn out to be really handy here. But you can also consider using netting, which could perhaps be well supplemented by repellents or similar types of measures. These are well-suited if you want to protect fruit trees. Just apply a good quality and economical net to protect all the vegetated areas. This fencing should start right from the earth level to high above. To solve the deer problem, just make sure that the height is high enough to keep those deer off.
Deer and Your Evergreens
Evergreens are even harder to protect since they have to be protected all year-round. They need to be protected especially in the winter as the deer and like other animals have fewer food sources and might actually be starving. You can apply nets, watersprayers or ultrasonic devices. Applying a combination of all these can turn out to be a killer cocktail solution. Not to mention the magical support by the horrible tasting or smelling repellents. It might also make good sense if you apply a repellant with miserable predator scent.
If you’re willing to protect small evergreen clusters, a highly economical and efficient way would be to encircle them with nets. But to solve such deer problem yet another option for summertime protection for these spot plantings is a motion-detecting water sprayer, which works both in the nighttime and daytime. For summer as well as winter protection, you can consider using the ultrasonic repellents, since they’re extremely helpful when it comes to protecting some small or midsize areas.
Winter Protection for Larger Areas
Even if you keep hunting the deer, they’re unbelievable hard to manage during the winter season, as the food sources they feed on become limited and all the deer almost go starving. And making things worse, excluding the deer from larger territory is even harder compared to the task of keeping them off smaller areas. That’s because it sometimes results into interdiction of conventional deer paths. In other words, this makes their common feeding areas beyond limits. For such reasons, it’s tremendously hard to keep the deer out (usually the white tailed ones, but the red ones, black tail ones are also big pains) from larger area all year-round without any strong deer fence. That’s why you sometimes need to ask for experts’ help and advice to solve a complex deer problem.
Deer and Your Flower Gardens
Of all sorts of deer protection jobs, this one happens to be the easiest. Most flower gardens won’t occupy too much of space. That’s why, you almost certainly are not directing those deer off a large area, and there would still be bounty of summer browse for them all around. Actually, you might succeed if you just apply a smart deer repellant (there are many in the market). Would you believe that some of them are formulated with pig blood or coyote urine?
While some repellants make your plants taste ugly for the deer, other versatile products will also make them smell horrible to deer. But no matter which product you choose, you should reapply on a regular basis in the growth season, since the deer can rapidly learn that the new and untreated shoots won’t taste bad, and these plants grow fast! The bottom line is that, repellants are good way to solve deer problem. And if the deer seem too desperate for the repellant, consider using motion activated water sprayer. You can use an ultrasonic repellent as well. Some people just install a net.
Deer and Your Vegetable Gardens
Now, here’s a harder job. Unfortunately, your vegetables are the prime and tastiest food source for deer. You don’t want to imagine how desperate the deer get when they explore the succulent veggies you’ve worked so hard to grow. Actually, once they come know the nature of the garden, the sole answer probably is a fence barrier. If you don’t want to go through a nightmare, start early on and apply defensive measures early on in the spring before the plants are really growing up, since the deer still don’t know about the contents of your garden. If you’ve started out really late, aren’t an expert deer hunter, and simply want to give it the easiest and best shot you got, then may be it’s a motion activated water sprayer that you want. This one can provide your garden with a short-term relief from the deer invasion. Similarly, the electronic as well as ultrasonic repellents could easily prove extremely effective for keeping those deer effectively in check. That’s how you deal with such deer problem.
Deer and Your Fruit Trees
Certain repellents can turn out to be really handy here. But you can also consider using netting, which could perhaps be well supplemented by repellents or similar types of measures. These are well-suited if you want to protect fruit trees. Just apply a good quality and economical net to protect all the vegetated areas. This fencing should start right from the earth level to high above. To solve the deer problem, just make sure that the height is high enough to keep those deer off.
Deer and Your Evergreens
Evergreens are even harder to protect since they have to be protected all year-round. They need to be protected especially in the winter as the deer and like other animals have fewer food sources and might actually be starving. You can apply nets, watersprayers or ultrasonic devices. Applying a combination of all these can turn out to be a killer cocktail solution. Not to mention the magical support by the horrible tasting or smelling repellents. It might also make good sense if you apply a repellant with miserable predator scent.
If you’re willing to protect small evergreen clusters, a highly economical and efficient way would be to encircle them with nets. But to solve such deer problem yet another option for summertime protection for these spot plantings is a motion-detecting water sprayer, which works both in the nighttime and daytime. For summer as well as winter protection, you can consider using the ultrasonic repellents, since they’re extremely helpful when it comes to protecting some small or midsize areas.
Winter Protection for Larger Areas
Even if you keep hunting the deer, they’re unbelievable hard to manage during the winter season, as the food sources they feed on become limited and all the deer almost go starving. And making things worse, excluding the deer from larger territory is even harder compared to the task of keeping them off smaller areas. That’s because it sometimes results into interdiction of conventional deer paths. In other words, this makes their common feeding areas beyond limits. For such reasons, it’s tremendously hard to keep the deer out (usually the white tailed ones, but the red ones, black tail ones are also big pains) from larger area all year-round without any strong deer fence. That’s why you sometimes need to ask for experts’ help and advice to solve a complex deer problem.
Deer Spray
How to Prepare and Apply It?
Increased residential as well as commercial development in the rural and uptown areas has caused lots of disturbance to the deer habitats. This, in other words, has lead to the deer breaking in human neighborhoods and properties. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to hunt deer near housing or shopping developments. This has turned most of those housing subdivisions to wildlife sanctuary for deer, rabbits or squirrels.
An average deer usually eats 7 lbs of vegetation every day. They prefer tender, juvenile food crops. Did you know that male deer can also harm trees by rubbing antlers for at least three months to mark the territory they’ll ‘rule’? The damage done due such “buck rub” remains even on the mature trees and this might allow pests and diseases grow and kill your saplings or young trees.
Fortunately, deer spray can help deter those animals. They are effective since deer makes use of their strong smelling sense to find food. Though they try to eat your vegetation which has been sprayed already, the taste will feel ugly to the deer. Actually, deer spray contains special ingredients to confuse and dissatisfy the deer. Likewise, they might not ever come back. A good deer spray makes use of special substances which aren’t toxic or damaging to your garden.
The most common ingredients are eggs, hot chilly powders and garlic. Such deer spray takes advantages of the highly powerful sense of taste and smell. In other words, by using their high sensory powers against them, the spray will make them hate feasting on your plants. If used properly, the deer spray can provide an impressively high protection for a month at least. The application of these sprays is pretty economical, since it just calls for minimal application for protecting plants, fruits and vegetables on a expanded area.
And the application is thus simple. No special tools and requires no special tools and equipments are needed. Just use a regular sprayer. These sprays are sold in concentrated for and are supposed to be diluted with plain water before you use them. There are ready to spray solutions as well. But they’re considered less economic and cost more usually. Pick a sunny day for applying the deer spray. Fortunately, it’s resistant to rainfall, provided that you’ll allow it to dry. Most sprays are harmless on vegetables, fruits and food crops. They are specially formulated to ensure that they do not cause any harm to pets or kids. You can also spray them on agricultural and horticultural crops.
The application of these sprays is good if you want to keep away rabbits, squirrels or similar kinds of rodents, which can simply chew through the typical plastic netting and other similar kind of physical barriers. They are used to repel the deer nevertheless, since they live with human beings side by side. A good deer spray won’t ruin the normal looks of leaves, fruits, flowers, crops and produce. That’s why you need to buy only high quality deer spray. The bottom line is that, if you get the right deer spray, it’ll help you to co-exist with those agile 4-legged neighbors, as it’s simple, safe as well as cheap.
Some people find it convenient to prepare deer spray at their homes. For instance, you can beat two eggs and mix it with one two cups of cold water. Use a blender if you have to. Add that mixture into another gallon of normal water. Let it stay like that for a day or so. When 24 hours have passed, just spray on the foliage. Usually, egg mixture won’t wash off so easily, but you do need to re-apply 2 or 3 times every season. If you want a larger solution, blend 12 eggs in five gallons of plain water.
If you want a killer (not literally… lol) deer repellent formula, beat 6 eggs with at least 6 hot peppers. Mix up 12 garlic cloves. This’ll make the formula stinky and hot enough. Add 6 cups of mild warm water. Put all of them into a blender so the solution gets fully liquid. Put it into you’re a milk jug. Leave it out for 3 or 4 under the sun. This-sun cooking will make the solution horribly stinky and hot for the deer. Use a sprayer to spray it on your beloved plants. Some people find good results by directly pouring into or around these plants straight out of the jug.
Increased residential as well as commercial development in the rural and uptown areas has caused lots of disturbance to the deer habitats. This, in other words, has lead to the deer breaking in human neighborhoods and properties. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to hunt deer near housing or shopping developments. This has turned most of those housing subdivisions to wildlife sanctuary for deer, rabbits or squirrels.
An average deer usually eats 7 lbs of vegetation every day. They prefer tender, juvenile food crops. Did you know that male deer can also harm trees by rubbing antlers for at least three months to mark the territory they’ll ‘rule’? The damage done due such “buck rub” remains even on the mature trees and this might allow pests and diseases grow and kill your saplings or young trees.
Fortunately, deer spray can help deter those animals. They are effective since deer makes use of their strong smelling sense to find food. Though they try to eat your vegetation which has been sprayed already, the taste will feel ugly to the deer. Actually, deer spray contains special ingredients to confuse and dissatisfy the deer. Likewise, they might not ever come back. A good deer spray makes use of special substances which aren’t toxic or damaging to your garden.
The most common ingredients are eggs, hot chilly powders and garlic. Such deer spray takes advantages of the highly powerful sense of taste and smell. In other words, by using their high sensory powers against them, the spray will make them hate feasting on your plants. If used properly, the deer spray can provide an impressively high protection for a month at least. The application of these sprays is pretty economical, since it just calls for minimal application for protecting plants, fruits and vegetables on a expanded area.
And the application is thus simple. No special tools and requires no special tools and equipments are needed. Just use a regular sprayer. These sprays are sold in concentrated for and are supposed to be diluted with plain water before you use them. There are ready to spray solutions as well. But they’re considered less economic and cost more usually. Pick a sunny day for applying the deer spray. Fortunately, it’s resistant to rainfall, provided that you’ll allow it to dry. Most sprays are harmless on vegetables, fruits and food crops. They are specially formulated to ensure that they do not cause any harm to pets or kids. You can also spray them on agricultural and horticultural crops.
The application of these sprays is good if you want to keep away rabbits, squirrels or similar kinds of rodents, which can simply chew through the typical plastic netting and other similar kind of physical barriers. They are used to repel the deer nevertheless, since they live with human beings side by side. A good deer spray won’t ruin the normal looks of leaves, fruits, flowers, crops and produce. That’s why you need to buy only high quality deer spray. The bottom line is that, if you get the right deer spray, it’ll help you to co-exist with those agile 4-legged neighbors, as it’s simple, safe as well as cheap.
Some people find it convenient to prepare deer spray at their homes. For instance, you can beat two eggs and mix it with one two cups of cold water. Use a blender if you have to. Add that mixture into another gallon of normal water. Let it stay like that for a day or so. When 24 hours have passed, just spray on the foliage. Usually, egg mixture won’t wash off so easily, but you do need to re-apply 2 or 3 times every season. If you want a larger solution, blend 12 eggs in five gallons of plain water.
If you want a killer (not literally… lol) deer repellent formula, beat 6 eggs with at least 6 hot peppers. Mix up 12 garlic cloves. This’ll make the formula stinky and hot enough. Add 6 cups of mild warm water. Put all of them into a blender so the solution gets fully liquid. Put it into you’re a milk jug. Leave it out for 3 or 4 under the sun. This-sun cooking will make the solution horribly stinky and hot for the deer. Use a sprayer to spray it on your beloved plants. Some people find good results by directly pouring into or around these plants straight out of the jug.
Deer Bait
Some Solid Tips for Preparing Effective Deer Bait
Make a Mud Hole
Take the trouble of digging up a mid-sizes hole and fill it up with salt. Try and add ample of water into it, so it becomes an artificial salt lake for a deer. This could be an ideal trick in the spring since deer literally rummage around for calcium sources at this point.
Before you even set out to bait
Don’t forget to check the local hunting laws. Thus you’ll know whether baiting is at all legal in the area. Then also check the targeted hunting area to see if there are natural sources of food. If there really is any natural source of food (e.g. apples, acorns), baiting might not be any option at all! The same thing applies for areas where there are lots of agricultural resources that the deer can feed on.
What to bait with?
Check the location to observe what’s around. The typical deer bait is corn. But carrots, beets or apples are also effective deer bait. Other choices include pears, molasses and marshmallows. But among all the deer bait out there, peanut butter usually is a really solid one!
How much deer bait to use?
At a time, you can use 1 to 2 gallons. Anything more can turn out to be a waste. You’re planning to attract the deer, right? Then just make them come in just when you want. A typical doe with fawns might eat the bait before anything worthwhile comes to your bait spot. Some people have found tremendous success by using doe and fawns as deer bait. They’ll let you to know if there’s anything coming. Usually the deer get into a pattern. They tend to come in at a rather regular interval to see whether something is there.
Locate the Deer
Usually, you’ll find the deer near or under nut-bearing trees. Occasionally, a sudden change in the water and food conditions could get the deer to their course. So consider that too!
NO Body Scents!
Wash yourself off with some peanut butter rather than using soap. This is one of the most important deer bait tips. This can help eliminate virtually all sorts of floral or abnormal body scents. Rubbing mud on your face and whole body can work if you want to get rid of any kind of unwanted scent.
Clothing to Wear
Most keen deer-baiting experts prefer using camouflage clothing, as this lets them to bait deer with ease and without getting detected by the deer. There’re lots of clothing varieties that you can choose from these days. Actually, the right choice depends on what your purpose is.
Mounting Tree Stands
You can make use of a stand fixed to a particular spot. Or else, consider using one that calls for climbing. But no matter what your choose is, just ensure the stand is mounted properly onto the tree. You can also consider mounting several tree stands for avoiding concentration of human body scent in one spot.
Use Motion Detector
Motion detectors could turn out to be highly useful, especially when you’re deer baiting during the night. If you’re in the habit of falling asleep involuntarily, motion detectors could alert you when the deer approaches. Consider using a standard trail-monitoring system, as it’ll send a vocal message to you as soon as thee deer approaches.
Doe Scent
Most deer are vulnerable to doe scent. So, sprinkle a little bit of doe scent about the tree stand. An option is to hang this scent from a tree with a film canister, dripper, or dispenser. If you are using dispensers, put them into an arched pattern. Putting them in a lined order also helps. But in make sure they’re between 20 and 30 yards apart as a minimum so they swell the smell around.
Use Grunts
A typical grunt tube might prove handy, especially when you deer bait in rutting seasons. Actually, if used right, a grunt might attract virtually any kind of buck in all seasons. A lot of baiters were stunned to find that even the bucks running away stop when they hear a grunt. This allows you to get a nice and clear shot.
Feeding a Deer
Consider using a timer here. Set it for midnight so it can signal the feeding time for deer. As the deer are nocturnal kind of animals, they won’t take long to identify this feeding call. Fairly soon, they’ll become habituated.
Make a Mud Hole
Take the trouble of digging up a mid-sizes hole and fill it up with salt. Try and add ample of water into it, so it becomes an artificial salt lake for a deer. This could be an ideal trick in the spring since deer literally rummage around for calcium sources at this point.
Before you even set out to bait
Don’t forget to check the local hunting laws. Thus you’ll know whether baiting is at all legal in the area. Then also check the targeted hunting area to see if there are natural sources of food. If there really is any natural source of food (e.g. apples, acorns), baiting might not be any option at all! The same thing applies for areas where there are lots of agricultural resources that the deer can feed on.
What to bait with?
Check the location to observe what’s around. The typical deer bait is corn. But carrots, beets or apples are also effective deer bait. Other choices include pears, molasses and marshmallows. But among all the deer bait out there, peanut butter usually is a really solid one!
How much deer bait to use?
At a time, you can use 1 to 2 gallons. Anything more can turn out to be a waste. You’re planning to attract the deer, right? Then just make them come in just when you want. A typical doe with fawns might eat the bait before anything worthwhile comes to your bait spot. Some people have found tremendous success by using doe and fawns as deer bait. They’ll let you to know if there’s anything coming. Usually the deer get into a pattern. They tend to come in at a rather regular interval to see whether something is there.
Locate the Deer
Usually, you’ll find the deer near or under nut-bearing trees. Occasionally, a sudden change in the water and food conditions could get the deer to their course. So consider that too!
NO Body Scents!
Wash yourself off with some peanut butter rather than using soap. This is one of the most important deer bait tips. This can help eliminate virtually all sorts of floral or abnormal body scents. Rubbing mud on your face and whole body can work if you want to get rid of any kind of unwanted scent.
Clothing to Wear
Most keen deer-baiting experts prefer using camouflage clothing, as this lets them to bait deer with ease and without getting detected by the deer. There’re lots of clothing varieties that you can choose from these days. Actually, the right choice depends on what your purpose is.
Mounting Tree Stands
You can make use of a stand fixed to a particular spot. Or else, consider using one that calls for climbing. But no matter what your choose is, just ensure the stand is mounted properly onto the tree. You can also consider mounting several tree stands for avoiding concentration of human body scent in one spot.
Use Motion Detector
Motion detectors could turn out to be highly useful, especially when you’re deer baiting during the night. If you’re in the habit of falling asleep involuntarily, motion detectors could alert you when the deer approaches. Consider using a standard trail-monitoring system, as it’ll send a vocal message to you as soon as thee deer approaches.
Doe Scent
Most deer are vulnerable to doe scent. So, sprinkle a little bit of doe scent about the tree stand. An option is to hang this scent from a tree with a film canister, dripper, or dispenser. If you are using dispensers, put them into an arched pattern. Putting them in a lined order also helps. But in make sure they’re between 20 and 30 yards apart as a minimum so they swell the smell around.
Use Grunts
A typical grunt tube might prove handy, especially when you deer bait in rutting seasons. Actually, if used right, a grunt might attract virtually any kind of buck in all seasons. A lot of baiters were stunned to find that even the bucks running away stop when they hear a grunt. This allows you to get a nice and clear shot.
Feeding a Deer
Consider using a timer here. Set it for midnight so it can signal the feeding time for deer. As the deer are nocturnal kind of animals, they won’t take long to identify this feeding call. Fairly soon, they’ll become habituated.
Deer Stopper
Keep Those Deer off Your Lovely Plants and Veggies!
You worked hard all along to rear those plants. You watered them, fenced them, fertilized them and what not? So how does it feel when you see those little deer feasting on the plants and fruits you have worked so hard to grow? Miserable! At least that’s the word most garden owners will spell out. Fortunately, you can use Deer Stopper products to stop those deer from feasting on your plants and fruits.
Take the instance of the quart concentrate, as it has all the goodies you want in a Deer Stopper. For instance, it’ll by smell as well as by taste. And it won’t wash off even following a really heavy rain! The impact of Deer Stopper is advertised to lasts for nearly 30 days. This product is a killer solution for repelling axis, moose, mule, whitetail or other types of deer damages. Did you know that all the versions of Deer Stopper have the endorsement from the NHGC (National Home Gardening Club)?
If you use this product, you can simply sit and relax, since it’s good for preventing all sorts of deer and lets your shrubs, flowers and edible crops to grow at large! And you don’t have to guard your fruit trees, either. It’ll work by both smell and also by taste. Like said before, you need to worry about its getting washed off following a really heavy rain. It’ll dry clear and absolutely odor-free and won’t burn the natural plant materials. The manufacturer declares that it’s safe if want to spray Deer Stopper onto fruits or vegetables. It’s one of the approved and recommended products for those who’re enthused about organic growing. You can make use of this product in virtually all sorts of climatic or temperature conditions, providing the product’s spray head or the liquid inside the bottle is not frozen. It’s really amazing how 1 gal of quart concentrate can treat an area as vast as 4,000 square feet!
Similarly, you can get to enjoy lots of benefits with the Deer Stopper 32 oz. Trigger version. As Deer Stopper is one of the most prominent brands from the house of Messina Wildlife, you can harmlessly keep the deer off your green property. Enjoy the benefits of 100-feet ribbon which is pre-treated with special deer repellent. The whole thing is meant to produce a physical and sensory barrier. Overall, the product is excellent for trees, plant/flower gardens, shrubs and other kinds of vulnerable areas. This product shows its effectiveness by smell and won’t wash off under heavy rain. And you could call the one-month protection a decent one!
As for another instance, you can also get the Gal Rtu version. This one as well, like any other deer stopper products, can show its stuff by smell as well as taste. They won’t wash away all of a sudden. After you apply it, it’ll just dry clear, 100% odor-free and won’t burn any of the plant materials. No need to worry even if you apply them onto fruits or vegetables. Since it’s approved for all the organic growers out there, it’s a great solution if you’re picky about health foods and organic gardening.
There are different types of products, though. You can get a quart concentrate that’ll cost you no more than $35. Buying online can sometimes help you qualify for free ultra-super saver shipping. You can get a pump bottle if you buy your Deer Stopper as a repellent. A quart size Ready-to-Spray Pump Bottle shouldn’t cost you more than $25.
Do you care to get a barrier ribbon? It should be available under $20 ceiling. Their Gal Rtu counterparts are being sold for $28 in many cases. But dedicated farmers simply love the Gallon Version since it’s economical despite the $140 price ceiling. But considering all odds, it should pay off if you just go for the ready-to-spray quart if you’re too busy and love things done short-cut! You can easily apply Deer stopper in all sorts of climatic conditions and weathering circumstances – no matter what the temperature is! As long as the temperature is suitable enough to spray the chemical, you can always get the benefits of it. Just like said earlier… a gal of Deer Stopper can treat an area as large as 4,000 square feet!!
Similar products: Deer Off and Deer Out.
You worked hard all along to rear those plants. You watered them, fenced them, fertilized them and what not? So how does it feel when you see those little deer feasting on the plants and fruits you have worked so hard to grow? Miserable! At least that’s the word most garden owners will spell out. Fortunately, you can use Deer Stopper products to stop those deer from feasting on your plants and fruits.
Take the instance of the quart concentrate, as it has all the goodies you want in a Deer Stopper. For instance, it’ll by smell as well as by taste. And it won’t wash off even following a really heavy rain! The impact of Deer Stopper is advertised to lasts for nearly 30 days. This product is a killer solution for repelling axis, moose, mule, whitetail or other types of deer damages. Did you know that all the versions of Deer Stopper have the endorsement from the NHGC (National Home Gardening Club)?
If you use this product, you can simply sit and relax, since it’s good for preventing all sorts of deer and lets your shrubs, flowers and edible crops to grow at large! And you don’t have to guard your fruit trees, either. It’ll work by both smell and also by taste. Like said before, you need to worry about its getting washed off following a really heavy rain. It’ll dry clear and absolutely odor-free and won’t burn the natural plant materials. The manufacturer declares that it’s safe if want to spray Deer Stopper onto fruits or vegetables. It’s one of the approved and recommended products for those who’re enthused about organic growing. You can make use of this product in virtually all sorts of climatic or temperature conditions, providing the product’s spray head or the liquid inside the bottle is not frozen. It’s really amazing how 1 gal of quart concentrate can treat an area as vast as 4,000 square feet!
Similarly, you can get to enjoy lots of benefits with the Deer Stopper 32 oz. Trigger version. As Deer Stopper is one of the most prominent brands from the house of Messina Wildlife, you can harmlessly keep the deer off your green property. Enjoy the benefits of 100-feet ribbon which is pre-treated with special deer repellent. The whole thing is meant to produce a physical and sensory barrier. Overall, the product is excellent for trees, plant/flower gardens, shrubs and other kinds of vulnerable areas. This product shows its effectiveness by smell and won’t wash off under heavy rain. And you could call the one-month protection a decent one!
As for another instance, you can also get the Gal Rtu version. This one as well, like any other deer stopper products, can show its stuff by smell as well as taste. They won’t wash away all of a sudden. After you apply it, it’ll just dry clear, 100% odor-free and won’t burn any of the plant materials. No need to worry even if you apply them onto fruits or vegetables. Since it’s approved for all the organic growers out there, it’s a great solution if you’re picky about health foods and organic gardening.
There are different types of products, though. You can get a quart concentrate that’ll cost you no more than $35. Buying online can sometimes help you qualify for free ultra-super saver shipping. You can get a pump bottle if you buy your Deer Stopper as a repellent. A quart size Ready-to-Spray Pump Bottle shouldn’t cost you more than $25.
Do you care to get a barrier ribbon? It should be available under $20 ceiling. Their Gal Rtu counterparts are being sold for $28 in many cases. But dedicated farmers simply love the Gallon Version since it’s economical despite the $140 price ceiling. But considering all odds, it should pay off if you just go for the ready-to-spray quart if you’re too busy and love things done short-cut! You can easily apply Deer stopper in all sorts of climatic conditions and weathering circumstances – no matter what the temperature is! As long as the temperature is suitable enough to spray the chemical, you can always get the benefits of it. Just like said earlier… a gal of Deer Stopper can treat an area as large as 4,000 square feet!!
Similar products: Deer Off and Deer Out.
Deer Out
Deer Out Review – Know the Nitty-Gritty of this Deer Repellent
If you are bothered with rabbits, deer or similar kind of animals which are literally gulping your much loved fruits and vegetables, you can consider using Deer Out. There are different versions of this product, though. For instance, you can buy the 1 Gallon version of Deer Out, which comes as a useful Ready-to-Use animal repellent. This one features 100,000+ repeat customers to date. And many people simply love the minty fresh scent of it. Deer Out is specially formulated to ensure that it doesn’t wash off too easily. And the manufacturer boasts the 100% natural ingredients used in it. All that just gets better with the full money back guarantee.
The product is advertised as an effective, all natural, lovely smelling and ultra-long lasting deer repellent and its performance is fully guaranteed when it comes to stopping deer from feasting on garden or backyard flowers, plants, shrubs, vegetables, row crops, small trees or vines. A user recently reported that after trying several other products of its class, he was pretty impressed with the effectiveness of Deer Out, since it realistically helped him to keep deer off his yard. And there no longer worrying about those little deer walking around and eating the tender and newest buds of your favorite plants. Generally, it's just the flowers people want to protect, but they’re also good if you want to keep those animals from venturing your tomatoes.
Actually, a lot of people are out there who found Deer Out to be fantastic. It does keep those deer off your garden. Like said before, you won’t be bothered by the smells it emits. A user commented that it smells pretty similar to peppermint and it’s not meant to work as the ‘People Out’ solution!! Just hit the web and you should find tons of positive reviews on Deer Out. A user recently swore that he wouldn’t ever use any product other than Deer Out.
And the people who are leaving positive reviews on the web about Deer Out are usually seasoned users of animal repellants. Many of them have been frustrated after using those much advertised repellants which bring you nothing better than temporary results. We came to know that a user literally hated the repellant which was made out of pig's blood! The guy went through horrible experiences since the spray bottle was useless because of the almost constant clogging. By the time he finished spraying, he looked like a butcher who had slaughtered pigs himself… lol! Not to mention how horrible these things can smell. Compared to that kind of JOKES, Deer Out is a complete throwback.
A user was really amazed as he saw a deer walking past his plants that he had sprayed. Even more amazing fact was that, even following 60 days of his spraying, the result persisted. Even occasional soaking of the plants didn’t change these positive effects! But even better and on top of all, users usually love the peppermint smell of the spray.
You get similar effect with other versions too. Take the instance of the 32oz Concentrate version of Deer Out. As a deer repellent, it will continue to keep you happy with the kind of effectiveness mentioned earlier. Actually, Deer Out is the absolute product when it comes to deer repelling. It's absolutely all natural, and won’t harm the deer (even if you hate them for what they’re doing to your plants) or humans. It’ll works by getting absorbed in the foliage and this makes them taste ugly to animals. If you don’t use it, chances are high that all your veggies and plants will get eaten by the deer (including all the cute and precious new buds which came just out). The part that users like very much is that, this thing simply keeps going for impressively long period, letting you to sit back and relax. Buying the concentrate in fact is a great investment since it’s likely to saves lots of your hard earned money and these things are simple to use. Great product!
Finally, you can make economic moves by purchasing a one-gallon concentrate, which you can easily turn into 10 gallons! Deer Out happens to be one of the best all-natural and nice smelling, wonderfully long lasting deer repellent and you get all of that if you buy the single gallon concentrate version. By getting just a gallon of Deer Out’s concentrate version, you will be able to keep the deer off your lovely flowers, juicy shrubs, green vegetable plants, and hard earned row crops or trees! The bottom line is that, you could surely try Deer Out since it comes with a 100% money back guarantee!
You might also be interested in reading this Deer Off Review.
If you are bothered with rabbits, deer or similar kind of animals which are literally gulping your much loved fruits and vegetables, you can consider using Deer Out. There are different versions of this product, though. For instance, you can buy the 1 Gallon version of Deer Out, which comes as a useful Ready-to-Use animal repellent. This one features 100,000+ repeat customers to date. And many people simply love the minty fresh scent of it. Deer Out is specially formulated to ensure that it doesn’t wash off too easily. And the manufacturer boasts the 100% natural ingredients used in it. All that just gets better with the full money back guarantee.
The product is advertised as an effective, all natural, lovely smelling and ultra-long lasting deer repellent and its performance is fully guaranteed when it comes to stopping deer from feasting on garden or backyard flowers, plants, shrubs, vegetables, row crops, small trees or vines. A user recently reported that after trying several other products of its class, he was pretty impressed with the effectiveness of Deer Out, since it realistically helped him to keep deer off his yard. And there no longer worrying about those little deer walking around and eating the tender and newest buds of your favorite plants. Generally, it's just the flowers people want to protect, but they’re also good if you want to keep those animals from venturing your tomatoes.
Actually, a lot of people are out there who found Deer Out to be fantastic. It does keep those deer off your garden. Like said before, you won’t be bothered by the smells it emits. A user commented that it smells pretty similar to peppermint and it’s not meant to work as the ‘People Out’ solution!! Just hit the web and you should find tons of positive reviews on Deer Out. A user recently swore that he wouldn’t ever use any product other than Deer Out.
And the people who are leaving positive reviews on the web about Deer Out are usually seasoned users of animal repellants. Many of them have been frustrated after using those much advertised repellants which bring you nothing better than temporary results. We came to know that a user literally hated the repellant which was made out of pig's blood! The guy went through horrible experiences since the spray bottle was useless because of the almost constant clogging. By the time he finished spraying, he looked like a butcher who had slaughtered pigs himself… lol! Not to mention how horrible these things can smell. Compared to that kind of JOKES, Deer Out is a complete throwback.
A user was really amazed as he saw a deer walking past his plants that he had sprayed. Even more amazing fact was that, even following 60 days of his spraying, the result persisted. Even occasional soaking of the plants didn’t change these positive effects! But even better and on top of all, users usually love the peppermint smell of the spray.
You get similar effect with other versions too. Take the instance of the 32oz Concentrate version of Deer Out. As a deer repellent, it will continue to keep you happy with the kind of effectiveness mentioned earlier. Actually, Deer Out is the absolute product when it comes to deer repelling. It's absolutely all natural, and won’t harm the deer (even if you hate them for what they’re doing to your plants) or humans. It’ll works by getting absorbed in the foliage and this makes them taste ugly to animals. If you don’t use it, chances are high that all your veggies and plants will get eaten by the deer (including all the cute and precious new buds which came just out). The part that users like very much is that, this thing simply keeps going for impressively long period, letting you to sit back and relax. Buying the concentrate in fact is a great investment since it’s likely to saves lots of your hard earned money and these things are simple to use. Great product!
Finally, you can make economic moves by purchasing a one-gallon concentrate, which you can easily turn into 10 gallons! Deer Out happens to be one of the best all-natural and nice smelling, wonderfully long lasting deer repellent and you get all of that if you buy the single gallon concentrate version. By getting just a gallon of Deer Out’s concentrate version, you will be able to keep the deer off your lovely flowers, juicy shrubs, green vegetable plants, and hard earned row crops or trees! The bottom line is that, you could surely try Deer Out since it comes with a 100% money back guarantee!
You might also be interested in reading this Deer Off Review.
Deer Off
Deer off Review – The Herculean Animal Repellant?
Deer Off is brought to you by Havahart and is designed to successfully repel deer, rabbits, squirrels or those kinds of uninvited guests off your garden. The formula behind Deer Off includes some ingenious ingredients like putrescent egg solid, capsaicin (a special chemical element in peppers, which give the hot taste and flavor) and garlic. When Deer Off is applied to garden plants, it can keep those hungry deer, rabbits or squirrels from feasting on your beloved plants. A lot of people found the ingredients in it really effective. Just imagine the impacts of putrescent egg or garlic! Do you think those dudes could really stand the extra hot flavor poured by capsaicin?
Once applied, the Deer Off impact is supposed to last for 3 months or so. After that, you would need to reapply it to the plants. Fortunately, Deer Off has been designed as an extremely weather resistant repellant. Thus, even though your garden is showered by heavy rains, you’ll keep enjoying the Deer Off protection for keeping your plants well protected from animals like rabbits or deer. So there you go… Deer Off –
• Is easy to apply.
• Keeps deer from gulping down everything in their sight.
• Is fairly effective.
• Is an environmentally friendly product and does a fine job.
• Can help deterring deer from gulping your landscaping as well as flowers.
And it's safe as well if you to put the solution on all your plants. According to the claims of the company, you can put them on even the edible fruits or vegetables, though the formula can be very strong and may affect the flavor of your fruits and vegetables. But there’s a word of caution here. You should apply Deer Off only on the fruits and vegetables which have tough and rather thick skin that’ll be peeled off before eating. Putting this the other way around, you should not apply this product on fruits or vegetables that feature slim outer layer. Same goes for the edible things that are consumed without peeling off the layer.
Deer Off now is being sold in a few different ways. You can buy it in a concentrated form. You can also buy premixed ones that are sold in bottles and are ready to spray. Surely, the premixed version is rather easy to use. It calls for no additional preparation on the part of the users. You will have to only spray it onto your plants and you'll start enjoying impressively long term protection with your plants.
Actually, the concentrated version calls for some more work, since you’ll have to blend it with water all by yourself. Fortunately, precise instructions are provided with the product packaging. In addition to all that, you’ll also need to a special device so you can apply the mix. An easy pressurized sprayer will suffice, though. There’s no need for you to invest anything in anything expensive. But it’s a must that you have the essential device if you’re planning to use the concentrated version of Deer Off. Just in case you don’t have the recommended type of device to spray the concentrated version, you should try and use something that works as a close substitute to that. But be sure to use something that doesn’t get clogged while spraying the mix.
But the thing is that, people are more interested in buying the concentrated version, since it’s much cheaper compared to its premixed counterpart. Then again, you are getting more of Deer Off if you buy the product sold as smaller bottled version. And buying the smaller bottles usually turns out to be a greener and more economical choice.
If you’ve only got a narrow selection of plants and there are less frequent rainfalls, this is your animal repellant!! You can also use Deer Off as an effective change-off from similar types of repellents, since it has peppers among the key ingredients. But like said earlier, you should seriously consider whether you really need the ready-mix sprayer, since the concentrated version is more economic. But for those who are reluctant about taking the troubling of mixing water into the concentrated solution, the ready-mix version does make sense. And no matter what, it’s always good to be realistic with your expectations when you’re using an animal repellant.
Experiencing deer damage? Get Deer Off Now!
Deer Off is brought to you by Havahart and is designed to successfully repel deer, rabbits, squirrels or those kinds of uninvited guests off your garden. The formula behind Deer Off includes some ingenious ingredients like putrescent egg solid, capsaicin (a special chemical element in peppers, which give the hot taste and flavor) and garlic. When Deer Off is applied to garden plants, it can keep those hungry deer, rabbits or squirrels from feasting on your beloved plants. A lot of people found the ingredients in it really effective. Just imagine the impacts of putrescent egg or garlic! Do you think those dudes could really stand the extra hot flavor poured by capsaicin?
Once applied, the Deer Off impact is supposed to last for 3 months or so. After that, you would need to reapply it to the plants. Fortunately, Deer Off has been designed as an extremely weather resistant repellant. Thus, even though your garden is showered by heavy rains, you’ll keep enjoying the Deer Off protection for keeping your plants well protected from animals like rabbits or deer. So there you go… Deer Off –
• Is easy to apply.
• Keeps deer from gulping down everything in their sight.
• Is fairly effective.
• Is an environmentally friendly product and does a fine job.
• Can help deterring deer from gulping your landscaping as well as flowers.
And it's safe as well if you to put the solution on all your plants. According to the claims of the company, you can put them on even the edible fruits or vegetables, though the formula can be very strong and may affect the flavor of your fruits and vegetables. But there’s a word of caution here. You should apply Deer Off only on the fruits and vegetables which have tough and rather thick skin that’ll be peeled off before eating. Putting this the other way around, you should not apply this product on fruits or vegetables that feature slim outer layer. Same goes for the edible things that are consumed without peeling off the layer.
Deer Off now is being sold in a few different ways. You can buy it in a concentrated form. You can also buy premixed ones that are sold in bottles and are ready to spray. Surely, the premixed version is rather easy to use. It calls for no additional preparation on the part of the users. You will have to only spray it onto your plants and you'll start enjoying impressively long term protection with your plants.
Actually, the concentrated version calls for some more work, since you’ll have to blend it with water all by yourself. Fortunately, precise instructions are provided with the product packaging. In addition to all that, you’ll also need to a special device so you can apply the mix. An easy pressurized sprayer will suffice, though. There’s no need for you to invest anything in anything expensive. But it’s a must that you have the essential device if you’re planning to use the concentrated version of Deer Off. Just in case you don’t have the recommended type of device to spray the concentrated version, you should try and use something that works as a close substitute to that. But be sure to use something that doesn’t get clogged while spraying the mix.
But the thing is that, people are more interested in buying the concentrated version, since it’s much cheaper compared to its premixed counterpart. Then again, you are getting more of Deer Off if you buy the product sold as smaller bottled version. And buying the smaller bottles usually turns out to be a greener and more economical choice.
If you’ve only got a narrow selection of plants and there are less frequent rainfalls, this is your animal repellant!! You can also use Deer Off as an effective change-off from similar types of repellents, since it has peppers among the key ingredients. But like said earlier, you should seriously consider whether you really need the ready-mix sprayer, since the concentrated version is more economic. But for those who are reluctant about taking the troubling of mixing water into the concentrated solution, the ready-mix version does make sense. And no matter what, it’s always good to be realistic with your expectations when you’re using an animal repellant.
Experiencing deer damage? Get Deer Off Now!
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